Articles with tag: «radiology»

    Technological management
  • 2017 № 5 The efficiency of using the hardware diagnostic radiology in subjects of the Russian Federation

    The article analyzes the data of state statistical observation for the period from 2011 to 2015. The analysis of the indicators of the number of radiation diagnostic devices, namely, radiographic apparatus, computer tomography and magnetic resonance tomography, the number of studies carried out on them and the number of radiologists working on this equipment. The load on each device in different regions is determined. The most effective regions for the use of the fleet of radiation diagnostic equipment and their congestion have been determined. The results of the study confirm the hypothesis that the effectiveness of the operation of the radiation diagnostics service does not depend on the amount of equipping the equipment of the regions with radiation diagnostic devices. This study made it possible to identify regions with the maximum and minimum efficiency of the operation of the radiation diagnostics service.

    Authors: Shelekhov P. V. [2]

    Tags: computed tomography3 efficiency11 magnetic resonance tomography1 radiology3 x-ray diagnostics1

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  • Management in healthcare
  • 2019 № 8 Reference center of radiology: justification and concept

    The situation in radiology (intensive growth of infrastructure against the background of organizational, methodical
    and managerial problems) requires a new system approach to organization and management. The concept of radiology
    reference center as a structure in the health care system is supposed to provide remote assessment, interpretation, description and control of radiological studies performed in medical centers of all forms of ownership, with the use of telemedicine technologies. The reference center should simultaneously solve organizational, methodological, therapeutic, diagnostic, educational problems, information and coordination tasks and scientific issues. The concept is based on systematized results of publications and own successful experience of creation and effective functioning of the reference center on the basis of the State Funded Healthcare Institution of Moscow “Research and Practical Clinical Center of Diagnostics and Telemedicine Technologies, Department of Health Care of Moscow”. Basing on the concept, it is necessary to keep developing the scientific and practical aspects of normative, legal and methodological support of the activities of radiology reference centers.

    Authors: Morozov S. P. [1] Vladzymyrskyy A. V. [4] Vetsheva N. N. [1] Ledikhova N. V. [1] Ryzhov S. A. [1]

    Tags: information technologies3 management17 radiology3 reference center2 roentgenology1 telemedicine12

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  • 2018 № 7 Оrganization of the service of radiodiagnosis in Moscow

    The analysis of uniformity of distribution of radiation diagnostics equipment in medical organizations of Moscow is Carried out. It is proposed to create a transparent and controlled system that allows to aggregate the entire volume of data on the conducted research to achieve high productivity and optimize financial costs. Redistri¬bution of loads in medical organizations by optimizing departments, revision of the regulatory framework will allow to use additional tools in the formation of x-ray conclusions. Continuous monitoring and monitoring of the radiation diagnosis equipment will significantly reduce the costs in the health care system and move to a higher and higher level of development of the radiation diagnosis service in Moscow

    Authors: Shelekhov P. V. [2]

    Tags: control3 distribution uniformity1 equipment3 monitoring3 moscow1 radiology3

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