Articles from rubric: «Special opinion»
2020 № 9 COVID-19 with fatal outcome: methodology, formulations and reasonings of quality defects
2020 № 7 Legal regulation of involuntary hospitalization of persons with coronavirus infection what needs to be done
The article presents an analysis of legal acts regulating the procedure for hospitalization and / or isolation in cases of
coronavirus infection. It is shown that currently, in accordance with the law, medical intervention is allowed without the consent of a citizen in respect of persons suffering from diseases that pose a danger to others. At the same time, the authors prove that the concepts of “medical intervention” and “hospitalization” are not identical. In turn, the legislation does not provide for involuntary hospitalization and involuntary isolation of persons suffering from diseases that pose a danger to others. The lack of clear legal regulation of these issues makes it difficult to implement effective measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection. The article proposes to define and legislate the procedure for involuntary hospitalization and involuntary isolation in cases of diseases that pose a danger to others. -
2019 № 10 Surgery – a zone of professional and legal risk: legal nihilism and ignoring the rights and legitimate interests of the patient
2019 № 9 Examination of the quality of medical care in the system of compulsory medical insurance: Procrustean bed?
2019 № 8 Possible revision of sanctions in the system of compulsory health insurance from the position of risk, common sense and balance of interests of patients and doctors
2019 № 7 Pre-trial settlement of disputes in the compulsory medical insurance system: effective expert activity and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the patient in the framework of the National Healthcare project
2019 № 6 Control of dispensary supervision in system of obligatory medical insurance: the solution of a problem of formation of protection of the rights of the patient within the Federal direction «Fight against cardiovascular diseases» of the National Project «Health Care»
2019 № 5 Formation of the system of protection of patients‘ rights – an applied task of insurance medical organizations in the framework of the National project «Health»
2019 № 4 Independent examination of patient's medical records in the new bill
2019 № 3 Examination of the quality of medical care in the system of compulsory medical insurance: where is your place?
2019 № 2 Failure of the oncologist from the accompanying and supportive therapy means the rendering of services not meeting the safety requirements of oncopatients
2018 № 9 Insurance representative of SMO: necessary legal regulation and principles of its activity in relation to insured persons of pre-retirement age
2018 № 8 Use of NPS method for patient loyalty assessment (ICDC experience)
This article studies the experience of the ‘Interregional clinical and diagnostic center’ (ICDC) in the area of patient loyalty assessment by the Net Promoter Score (NPS) method. The object: to find out the factors, which have an effect on patient loyalty towards a medical establishment. Materials and methods: analysis of scientific literature, ICDC statistic data of patient loyalty assessment by NPS method for 2016–2017 years. Total number of respondents: 1968 patients of ICDC. Results and conclusions: on the basis of analysis of patient responses the three factors that effect on patient loyalty were found out: “diagnostic and treatment processes”, “ethics and deontology of medical staff”, “service in medical establishment”. It is found that the largest proportion of critical remarks of patients is as¬sociated with the service in medical establishment. In turn the important aspects for “promoters” – patients with high loyalty, are the followings: quality of medical service, ethics and deontology of medical staff. Statistically significant differences were determined in medical establishment evaluation by patient groups who pays for medical service itself and who is treated by compulsory health insurance system. Representatives of these groups pay attention in their comments to different aspects of medical establishment activity. Therefore it is necessary to consider specific features of such patient groups in the arrangements considering the increase of patient loyalty
2018 № 5 Defects of clinical examination and their qualification in the system of compulsory medical insurance: principles of uniformity of expert practice
2018 № 4 Principles of interaction of the insurance representative of the third level, public and patient organizations
2018 № 2 The Insurance representative level 3-a new figure of the system of mandatory medical insurance
2017 № 7 «Patient oriented model»: iatrogenic factors in Russia – «associated costs» or «good» for the patient
2017 № 6 The implementation of the recommendations of the Committee on social policy The Federation Council on control over activity of the insurance medical organizations
2017 № 5 System of the address information support of the cancer patients in the compulsory health insurance system
2017 № 4 Implementation of the recommendations of the Committee on social policy of Council of Federation on control over activity of the insurance medical organizations
2017 № 2 Loss of control of healthcare and the gap between the patient and physician
2016 № 6 Features of the national biological crossmatch for blood transfusion
Knowledge of 184 physicians on the procedure of the biological crossmatch at the beginning of bloodtransfusions has been studied. Special formalized questionnaire was established for answers to the 4 questions aboutnumber of drops in 1 ml of blood; about actions during the biological crossmatch; about diagnostic monitoringmethods; about records. An ambiguous understanding of the regulatory requirements has been found. The maximumfrequency of the most popular answer to the questions was 49.1%, 44.2%, 74.5% and 47.9%, respectively. It isadvisable to change the text of the standards in order to harmonization of scientifically sound international practice.
2016 № 5 The novations of the system of medical insurance 2016: extensive development of expertise
2016 № 4 Medical records: for the prosecutor or for the lawyer, for the patient or for the doctor?
2016 № 3 Independent medical expertise in Russia: a still-born child?!
2016 № 2 A necessity for an interdepartmental consensus of regulatory supervisory authorities specializing in evaluating the quality of medical aid in the field of health care
2016 № 1 The issue of accounting various elements of payroll while evaluating the minimal wage
The legislator guarantees to pay an employee a salary of not less than a minimal wage in Russia upon completion of working within a monthly period. Wherein there is a variety of interpretations of separate articles of Labour Codex of Russian Federation, as well as court rulings to prompt a wealth of questions about the substance of the minimal wage. Given the questions that the author is facing in from professional activity, we attempt to provide a comprehensive analysis of the minimal wage structure.
2015 № 9 Criteria for assessing the quality of medical aid: an essential step towards respecting the rights of patients, medics and experts
2015 № 8 Constitutional court of Russian Federation on the concept of posthumous medical confidentiality
2015 № 7 Certain aspects of duty shifts of medical employees
The article considers issues arising when registreing overtime hours of medical employees. It includes analysis of articles of the Labor Code, which clarifies disputable moments in these circumstances.
2015 № 6 Expert activity of insurance medical organizations as a solution to deliver insurance provision on mandatory medical insurance
2015 № 5 A heated debate on the issue of independent medical expertise — what will its profile be in Russia?
2015 № 4 Orders of the President of Russian Federation: responsibilities of medical underwriters on protecting citizen's rights in the field of healthcare
2015 № 3 The cost of expert activity in the system of Mandatory Medical Insurance: objective and subjective view on moral and financial incentives
2015 № 1 «Trust but verify!» — old school principal for implementing new method of payment for medical aid on the basis of clinical-statistical groups of diseases
2014 № 12 Dialectical convergence of medical aid standards, methods of providing medical aid and clinical recommendations
2014 № 9 Novation in the system of mandatory medical insurance: downfall of material incentive of the expert activity
2014 № 8 A physician's error — is not only physician's problem
2014 № 8 With the regard to the order project of Ministry of social development and health care of Russia «To provide specialized medical care to patients with chronicle kidneys disease of 5th stage, receiving treatment through hemodialysis»
2014 № 1 The Dialectics of categories «standard», «protocol», «order» of medical care
2013 № 11 Security and standartization of medical activity: problems of rationing and recommendations on control proceedings in the system of mandatory medical insurance A.A. Starchenko
2013 № 10 State provided medical tools in frames of complying the program of Mandatory Medical Insurance System: clear position of FMMIS and TFMMIS A.A. Starchenko
2013 № 9 New regulation on organizing and processing departmental quality control check and security of medical activity against formed departmental expert practice A.A. Starchenko
2013 № 8 Medical insurance companies — a true existing entity of public control in the sphere of health care in Russia A.A. Starchenko
2013 № 5 Medical-economic standards in provision of specialized neurological and neurosurgical aid with the support of blood-vascular centers of largest sub-sovereign entity in Russian Federation: inadequacy to requirements of actual legislation in the sphere of health care. A.A. Starchenko
2013 № 4 Quality of medical care — the weakest element in mandatory medical insurance policy system? A.A. Starchenko
2013 № 2 Regarding projects of normative acts, explaining the standard of provision on medical aid in maieutics A.A. Starchenko
2013 № 1 Maternal and neonatal mortality in Russian Federation A.A. Starchenko