Manager Zdravoochranenia 2013 #1
Published: 2013-01-08
There are defined winners in the nominees of Publishing House «Manager of Health Care» in nominations «The most creative publication or cycle of publications of 2012 year» and «The most creative management solution in the field of regional health care management»
Regarding several methodological approaches to pricing and payment process for medical services in regional system of Mandatory Medical Insurance (Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia; TFOMS of Ryazan region, Ryazan, Russia)
Reforming the system of mandatory insurance coverage in Russia is impossible without integration of progressive directions in defining tariffs for medical services and their approaches. It is proposed to process payment for stationary aid according to formed clinic-statistic groups depending on the stage of medical care and outpatient care — with the help of combined method, consisting of capita funding and payment coverage of visits and particular medical services.
To a question of rehabilitation system model creation in the Volga Federal District (Nizhegorodskaya medical academy, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia)
Annotation: In this article the concept of rehabilitation system model creation in the Volga Federal District is stated. Results of calculation of requirement for the stationary rehabilitation help, the analysis of possibilities of the existing PFO rehabilitation institutions are given, options of real creation of system of rehabilitation in the Volga Federal District are considered. For ensuring development of rehabilitation establishments of the region expediency of formation of the centralized investment fund is defined. The optimum form of government investment fund, according to the author, is the management company. The scheme of functioning of management company is offered at creation of system of rehabilitation in PFO. Advantages of a new control system are analyzed by rehabilitation establishments. Important advantage of the Project is its representativeness.
Utilitarian analysis of the health care effectiveness in the group of patients with disabilities after coronary bypass surgery («Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy» of Federal Agency for Healthcare and Social Development the Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk, Russia)
Summary. The research is based on the analysis of the register of patients operated on for CHD in the period 2000–2009 in Chelyabinsk interregional cardiac center on the basis of the Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Hospital. Utilitarian analysis of cardiac surgery may play a crucial role in making organizational, clinical and financial decisions. The purpose — to carry out clinical and economic analysis with the use of the utility index («utility») DALY's (disability adjusted life years) in patients with coronary artery disease after coronary bypass surgery. The result — the values obtained allowed to conclude that a decrease in the degree of disability potentially duration of the life quality increases.
Regarding the question of informational volunteer agreement in circumstances of kids infection hospital (SCBOE VPO VolgGMU, SGBEH «Volgograd regional Children's Clinic Infection Hospital», Volgograd, Russia)
In the article there is investigated the current state of question concerning informational agreement on diagnostics and treatment manipulations among minor children affected by infectious diseases. There is presented a reading of this question from the point of last edition of Russian law dated from 21st of November 2011 № 323-FL «Regarding basics of health care protection of citizens of Russian Federation», there are considered discrepancies, appearing while practical implementation in the clinic of children's infectious diseases. There are presented approach examples on resolving questions about informational agreement among minor children in several developed foreign countries.
Modern Aspects of prevention of hospital infection in high-tech medical center (as exemplified by trauma and orthopedic profile) (The Federal State Institution Federal Center for Traumatology, Orthopedics & Endoprothesis Replacement, Cheboksary, Russia)
Based on the analysis of FSBI «Federal Centre for trauma, orthopedics and endoprosthesis replacement », the Health Ministry of Russia (Cheboksary) developed a scheme for prevention of hospital infections in high-tech medical center. During 2009–2011 laboratory studies of environmental, medical products, swabs from the hands of members of the operating team, the patient's skin in the surgical field 100% of cases showed negative results. A group disease incidence of hospital infections and occupational diseases among medical workers are not registered. Proportion of infectious complications is at the average 0,36%, which, in our opinion, is due to endogenous infection (pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic micro flora in the setting of chronic foci of infection, long-term use of steroids, cytotoxic drugs).
Technological modernization processes of drug supply in hospitals (Saint-Petersburg State chemical-pharmaceutical Academy of Ministry of Health Care and Social Development of Russia; Military-medical Academy after S.M. Kirov, Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
The strides that have made in computer technology have reverberations throughout pharmacy world. This edition contains a wealth of information on the ways that the new technology, when applied to drug distribution systems, is helping improve the record on medication safety.
Problems and solutions to organizations access to information resources in health care institutions in the implementation of an integrated medical information system (For example, the municipal health Abakan).
The introduction of modern information systems in health of the Russian Federation in recent years moved to a new level and puts non-trivial task to integrate new technologies and a difficult and sometimes painful change the system of medicine. In this paper, the authors tried to identify and classify the problems encountered in Abakan at health facilities in implementing the system records to the doctor via the Internet.
Rating of 50 Medical Universities in Russian Federation in terms of students preparation level
New in the Program of state guaranties of free health care provided to public within 2013–2015 years
The process of certifying human brains death A.A. Starchenko
Maternal and neonatal mortality in Russian Federation A.A. Starchenko
The process of state control over quality and security of medical activity Consultant: Phd. of Economic F.N. Kadyrov
Questions answered by PhD. of Economic F.N. Kadyrov
Review of actual normative documents