Manager Zdravoochranenia 2013 #5
Published: 2013-05-24
Evaluation of health care modernization's impact on dynamics of adult population's morbidity (Federal Research Institute for Health Care Organization and Information of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russian Federation, Moscow)
Annotation: There are considered different criteria of evaluating health care's modernization, reflecting structural improvements of the system, current, financing and results of additional prophylactic medical examination service, status of medical equipment and its amortization. There is estimated an economic loss due to population's morbidity.
Evaluation of need in modernization of main health care institutional funds in sub-sovereign entities (with the example of Orlov region) (Federal Research Institute for Health Care Organization and Information of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russian Federation, Moscow, Federal State Entity «Centre of monitoring and clinic-economic expertise» RosZdravNadzor, Moscow, Russia)
Annotation: In the article there is presented an example of using data, received as a result of health care entities passportization. There is suggested a methodology of calculating technical-economic indexes for planning events on modernizing regional health care. There is processed an evaluation of building's potential serviceableness for future exploitation, which can be used for long-term investment planning directed on strengthening material-technical base of health care entities.
Regarding the problem of fund's spending effectiveness in the system of mandatory medical insurance (Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia; Territorial Fund of Mandatory Medical Insurance System of Ryazan region, Ryazan, Russia).
Annotation: Effective spending of funds for mandatory medical insurance system depends on many factors. In this article there is considered a dependency of economic effectiveness from management of medical aid. There are presented examples of when errors in managing medical aid result into serious economic losses.
Business planning in commercial medical organization's practice (Baykal State University of Economics and Law; JSC "Doctor Bermental"; Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Continuing Education, Irkutsk, Russia)
The article is dedicated to the business planning technology as an instrument for management of a medical organization. Also there is analysis of the structure and function of a business plan. The article contains an example of the business plan's financial section of a commercial medical organization.
Regarding methodology approaches in forming clinical-statistic groups when heart attack occurs (State Health Care Entity of Samara regional clinical cardiologic dispensary, Samara, Russia)
Annotation. This article presents a reasoning of clinical and technological criteria in forming clinic-statistic groups for treating acute coronary syndrome (heart attack). There is given a detailed explanation of a technical approach towards organizing treatment of this disease, as well as presented results of realized program on health care modernization in the department of implementing medical aid standards in treating heart attacks in Samara region.
Medical-economic standards in provision of specialized neurological and neurosurgical aid with the support of blood-vascular centers of largest sub-sovereign entity in Russian Federation: inadequacy to requirements of actual legislation in the sphere of health care. A.A. Starchenko
International and domestic experience in forming social security funds (Federal Research Institute for Health Care Organization and Information of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russian Federation, Moscow)
Annotation: There is presented a history of how social security system developed in Western countries and USA, principals of building social security system, types of social security payments. There is a description of legal regulation of social security system in European countries.
«Declare pricipals of quality, having not changed the style of management-throwing up roadblocks» G.I. Galanova
Authors feedback of the article «Concerning the formation of new quality and security control system of medical activity in the sphere of health care in Russian Federation» («Manager of Health Care», №2, 2013) to readers reviews
Adjustment of legislation in the sphere of goods purchase, labor and services: Federal law №94 becomes no longer applicable Consultant: Phd. of Economic F.N. Kadyrov
Questions answered by PhD. of Economic F.N. Kadyrov
Emergency situations
Review of actual normative documents