Articles with tag: «growth»
2016 № 1 Incidents of morbidity and outcomes of pregnancy among women in Moscow in the period between 2010 and 2014 years
Analysis of pregnancy outcomes in Moscow in the period between 2010 and 2014 years demonstrated a growth of some pregnancies 9.2%. Whereas there was recorded an increase in the number of abortions by 5.7% and extra-uterine pregnancies by 15.6%. The number of pregnant women with various pathologies has increased from 78.5% (2010) to 80.7% (2014). Wherein the total morbidity rate among pregnant women decreased from 206.41 to 191.65 in 2014, and the forecasted estimate demonstrates a possible growth. There is also a decline in cases of diseases of the genitourinary system by 4.8%, cases of anaemia by 7.6% and blood circulatory system disease by 1.3%. At the same time, there was recorded a growth in the number of venous complications by 5.1% from 5.86 (2010) to 6.16 (2014) per 100 who ended their pregnancy, and growth of endocrine system diseases.