Articles with tag: «diabetes mellitus»
Diabetes mellitus among children is one of the urgent health problems due to high morbidity and disability.
Objective – establishing the main trends in the incidence of children.
Materials and methods. A statistical analysis of the data of reporting forms of federal statistical observation No. 12 “Information on the number of diseases registered in patients living in the service area of a medical organization” for the period from 2014 to 2018 was carried out.
Results. During the analyzed period, the incidence of diabetes mellitus in the Russian Federation among children aged 0–17 years increased by 28,1%. In dynamics for 2014–2018 the primary incidence of diabetes among children aged 0–17 years in the Russian Federation increased by 15,5%. In 94,9% of cases of diabetes in children account for type I diabetes. In dynamics for 2014–2018 it grew by 26,2%.
Conclusion. The results of the analysis of diabetes mellitus among children indicate the need for the development of primary prevention of type I in children and raising public awareness of a healthy lifestyle in children -
2022 № 8 The issue of age-related characteristics of the prevalence of diabetes mellitus among the population of various countries
Without interventions to halt the rise in diabetes, it is believed that by 2045 there will be at least 629 million people living with diabetes in the world. Currently, four out of five people with diabetes, approximately 80% of the world’s 463 million, live in lowand middle-income countries, and the incidence of diabetes is increasing in poorer, marginalized, socioeconomically vulnerable and indigenous communities. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes with onset in youth, defined as diabetes diagnosed before the age of 25, is increasing worldwide. It should be noted that type 2 diabetes, which occurs at a young age, most often manifests itself in the second decade of life. There are about 652 thousand children with type 2 diabetes in the world. It is estimated that there will be around 41,600 new cases of diagnosed type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents worldwide in 2021. Along with the increase in the prevalence of diabetes among children and adolescents, there is an increase in the incidence of pre-diabetes preceding the development of type 2 diabetes. They found an 8% risk of progression from pre-diabetes to type 2 diabetes over a 3-year period, confirming the importance of interventions to reduce obesity, pre-diabetes, and insulin resistance.
2023 № 2 Subsidized Pharmaceutical Provision for patients in the Federal Districts and subjects of the Russian Federation using the example of the most common diseases.
In the Russian Federation, the obligations of federal and regional authorities for Subsidized Pharmaceutical Provisionfor patients are legally defined, the issues of providing patients with drugs for the treatment of a particular nosology are analyzed with varying degree of detail, however, a comprehensive assessment of Subsidized Pharmaceutical Provision for patients with the most common diseases in the Federal Districts and federal subjects was not carried out. This was the aim of this study. We analyzed the purchase of medicines for the treatment of patients with cancer, broncho-obstructive diseases (bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and diabetes in the Federal Districts and federal subjects of Russia though regional and federal budgeting and recalculated the total spendings per 1 patient living in the Federal District or federal subject.
We found that both the federal districts and the constituent entities differed in the budget spendings for purchase of medicines for the treatment of the analyzed nosologies. In addition, we found inconsistency in the sum of funds spent on the subsidized Pharmaceutical Provision from year to year.
The availability of medicines at the outpatient stage of treatment of cancer, broncho-obstructive diseases and diabetes mellitus differs greatly between the different Federal Districts and on the federal subject level. This creates unequal access to drug treatment for patients at the outpatient stage of treatment. Health authorities do not use a unified methodology for planning the demand of medicines at the outpatient stage of treatment, nor a unified strategy for Subsidized Pharmaceutical Provision xecution. -
2023 № 5 Problems of providing endocrinological care to the elderly in the Russian Federation.
The main goal of the modern organization of medical care to the population with diseases of the endocrine system is to improve the quality, efficiency and accessibility of medical care to persons suffering from diseases of the endocrine system. For many years now, the problem of the dynamics of the prevalence of diseases of the endocrine system reflects frightening figures. At the same time, the group of the most common diseases is still diabetes mellitus (DM), obesity and thyroid diseases. Diseases of the endocrine system significantly reduce the quality of life of the elderly. The health status of elderly people is most often characterized by the comorbidity of chronic diseases, which
in turn leads to a deterioration in the prognosis regarding life and health, and also makes necessary forced polyprogmasia. Identification of the problems of providing endocrinological care to the elderly will improve the quality and effectiveness of medical care at all stages of its provision.
The purpose of the study: to analyze the organization of medical care in the development of endocrine diseases in the elderly population of the Russian Federation.
Materials and methods. A content analysis of regulatory and legal documents on the provision of medical care to elderly patients in the field of Endocrinology in the Russian Federation, an analysis of Rosstat data on the main health indicators of the elderly population of the Russian Federation over the past 10 years was carried out. -
2016 № 1 Chronic complications of diabetes mellitus: specialized outpatient medical service organization and efficacy according to experts’ opinion survey
Multidisciplinary outpatient care structures for patients with late complications of diabetes (diabetic foot, retinopathy, and somewhere – for diabetic nephropathy) were established in Russia since late 1990s. We conducted a survey of 22 experts from 12 regions of the Russian Federation for the analysis of the current state of specialized outpatient care for patients with these conditions, assess demand in this type of care and develop possible improvements. The necessity of outpatient diabetic foot clinics was obvious for 100% of the experts, of diabetic retinopathy consultative rooms – for 95%, of diabetic nephropathy consultative rooms – for 52%. Eighty five percent, 52% and 15% of the experts respectively reported about work of such outpatient structures in their regions. In all three fields lack of funding and lack of qualified personnel were pointed as the main barriers for establishment and development of such outpatient structures. The efficacy of patients treatment in outpatient diabetic foot clinics (where they work) was considered an effective by 47% of experts, in diabetic retinopathy consultative rooms – by 55%. In conclusion, (1) the demand in outpatient diabetic foot and diabetic retinopathy specialized structures is obvious, but is questionable with regard to diabetic nephropathy; (2) the performance of these service is not sufficiently high, which requires appealing of qualified specialists there (which is impossible without adequate funding), training of specialists and quality management; (3) we found evidence of inadequate availability of such specialized outpatient care for patients with diabetes, which requires increase of such offices number, and targeted referral of patients there from primary care physicians.
2016 № 2 Analysis of the official regulation documents on organization of outpatient care for patients with chronic complications of diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a socially important chronic disease with the disabling and economically significant complications. Organization of specialized structures for interdisciplinary out-patient care for patients with chronic complications of diabetes (affecting kidneys, eyes, the lower extremities) is an important task. We analyzed existing National clinical expert recommendations and orders of Ministry of Health concerning standards of care for patients with DM and its complications. Conclusions are drawn on necessary development of the regulatory documentary base for out-patient multidisciplinary care for this kind of patients.