Articles with tag: «incidence»

    Population and healthcare
  • 2019 № 1 The main trends in the incidence of injuries, poisoning and some other effects of external causes in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

    Injuries, poisonings and some other causes of external causes make an indisputable significant contribution to the morbidity structure of the population of the Russian Federation. Despite the decline in the share of morbidity from external causes for 2005–2016, this cause still consistently occupies the second ranking position, causing enormous economic, and knowing a high level of violent mortality, and medico-demographic damage. Despite the positive trend of reducing the incidence of external causes, a number of subjects of the Russian Federation with extremely high values, as well as negative growth dynamics, were identified. For 2005–2016, the most negative trend in the increase in incidence from external causes was found in the Moscow Region, the Kurgan Region, the Altai Territory, the Bryansk Region, the Republic of Sakha. Of particular interest to the organizers of health care should be those areas of the Russian Federation in which low incidence rates are registered, and a positive trend of decline. It is necessary to analyze the systems of organization of medical care and medical prophylaxis, and to use subjects with the lowest incidence rates from external causes as an example in order to improve measures aimed at reducing morbidity.

    Authors: Shishkin E. V. [5] Shchepin V. O. [5]

    Tags: burns1 circulatory system diseases2 external causes3 incidence4 injuries3 neoplasms3 poisoning2 respiratory diseases1

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  • Population and health
  • 2019 № 2 Dynamics of morbidity indicators during the reform of the Health Care System of the Russian Federation from 2006 to 2016

    Over the past 10 years, it has been possible to achieve positive changes in a number of indicators of public health and resource provision of the health care system. Modernization and reform of the health care system of the Russian Federation today is still not completed and is in the process of implementation. With the aim to study the changes in the state of health of the population against the background of the reform of the health care system of the Russian Federation, taking place in 2006–2016 was used the method of continuous observation based on the forms of state statistical observation. The study showed that over 10 years the death rate of the population decreased by 13%. If in 2006, 2,166,703 people died, then in 2016, 1,891,015 people died. Over 10 years, the life expectancy of Russians has increased by more than 5 years and in 2016 it has exceeded 71.9 years, reaching 77 for women and 66.5 years for men. The analysis of the morbidity over a ten-year period showed a tendency to increase. Thus, the rate of growth of incidence was 3%, and a prevalence of 7%. At the same time, the incidence increased in all Federal Districts, except Central Federal Districts. Over the past ten years, the prevalence of mental and behavioural disorders has decreased by 19%, infectious and parasitic diseases by 17%, diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue by 8%. The main line of development of health care system was chosen the strengthening of its preventive orientation, with the primary development of mass and cost-effective community-based forms of activity. In general, the reform of the Health Care System over the past 10 years has had a positive impact on the health status of the Russian population in all age groups.

    Authors: Leonov S. A. [14] Kuraeva V. M. [2] Savina A. A. [2] M. Son [1] Feyginova S. I. [1]

    Tags: daly3 incidence4 prevalence7 reforming.1 trends2

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  • 2022 № 10 Assessment of the economic burden of psoriasis in the republic of Bashkortostan

    Psoriasis is one of the most common chronic dermatoses, leading to disability of patients. The damage from it is comparable to the damage from atrial fibrillation, lung cancer, breast cancer.
    P u r p o s e of our study was to determine the economic burden of psoriasis in the Republic of Bashkortostan, depending on the volume of costs for different treatment options.
    M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . The paper calculates the economic burden of psoriasis in the Republic of Bashkortostan based on official data from the Medical Information and Analytical Center of the Republic of Belarus, the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Republic of Belarus and Bashkortostanstat for the period 2020-2021.
    R e s u l t s . There is increase in the number of patients with psoriasis in the Republic of Bashkortostan for the period 2012-2021. The total economic burden of psoriasis in the Republic of Bashkortostan is 896970909,00 rubles in year (66055,7 rubles per patient), including: for all types of treatment, taking into account the funds of the patients themselves, 559028692,5 rubles are spent, for temporary disability benefits 300293897,6 rubles, disability benefits 37648318,9 rubles. The largest proportion of patients regularly treated for psoriasis are patients receiving therapy both in a hospital and in a polyclinic (42,1%). The allocated volumes of high-tech medical care, as well as genetically engineered biological therapy in the Republic of Bashkortostan are insufficient to provide all patients in need with these types of assistance. One third of patients with psoriasis (33,6%) do not seek treatment from dermatovenereologists.
    C o n c l u s i o n . The results obtained indicate the need for further detailed study of the issue of economic costs associated with the prevalence of psoriasis in the Republic of Bashkortostan, the development of measures to reduce the incidence of the population, risk factors and relevant policy documents for the resource provision of medical care for patients. The medical, social and economic efficiency of the measures will be expressed by improving the quality of life of patients, reducing the economic damage from temporary disability and disability.

    Authors: Sharafutdinova N. Kh. [2] Mukhamadeeva O. R. [2] Enikeeva D. R. [2] Kamalov E. S. [1] Kurbatov S. S. [1] Khammatova A. A. [1] Perminova V. A. [1]

    Tags: economic burden1 incidence4 psoriasis2 treatment costs1

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  • Medical statistics
  • 2020 № 5 Incidence of microsporia and trichophytis in the Russian Federation in 2013–2018

    Introduction. Purpose. Study of the incidence of microsporia and trichophytis among children. Material and methods. Data of forms of federal statistical observation No. 9 “Data on sexually transmitted infections and contagious skin diseases” in the federal districts of the Russian Federation for the period from 2013 to 2018. The work uses descriptive statistics. Main results. An analysis of the incidence of microsporia in the Russian Federation showed that in the federal districts the dynamics of indicators among children was almost similar to the total population. The highest incidence is found in the Volga and Southern federal districts, both in the general population and among the child population. During the period under study, the incidence of microsporia decreased by 0.2% in the general population and by 8.1% in the infant population. Indicators of trichophytis in both the general population and the infant population were also unstable. At the same time, the incidence of trichophytis in the general population decreased by 7.1%, in children by 11.5%. The most disadvantaged situation in trichophytia was observed in the North Caucasus Federal District, further as the Far East and Siberian federal districts declined. Among the children between the ages of 0 and 14, an unprecedented high incidence rate is observed in the North Caucasus Federal District: from 28.8 in 2014 to 34.7 in 2016, which is higher than in the country as a whole by 4, 4 and 6.7 times, respectively. Conclusion. During the period under study, the incidence of microsporia decreased by 0.2%, among the infant population – by 8.1%, the incidence of trichophytia – 7.1% and 11.5%, respectively.

    Authors: Golubev N. A. [6] Ogryzko E. V. [11] Sachek O. I. [1] Os’kova L. P. [1] Shevchenko A. G. [1] Ju. I. Os’kov [1]

    Tags: children13 federal districts2 general population1 incidence4 indicators5 microsporia1 trichophytics1

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