Articles with tag: «mental disorders»

    Management in health care
  • 2017 № 3 The analysis of prevalence of mental disturbances and socially dangerous actions mentally sick with intellectual backwardness and obtained organic damage of a brain (according to data from Tyumen region)

    Socially dangerous actions mentally sick are an important performance indicator of work of mental health service, and the analysis of number of criminal delicts at mentally sick in the conditions of the proceeding epidemic of mental diseases is an urgent task. In work prevalence of organic damages of a brain and socially dangerous actions of patients with organic damage of a brain in the Tyumen region are analysed. As a source of information annual statements in a form No. 10, and also annual databases of the conclusions of the out-patient forensic-psychiatric commission of the Tyumen region are used. For handling of the SPEK databases the automated information system «SPEK-analytics» is used. In Russia decrease in prevalence of mental diseases is noted. The same tendency is noted also in the Tyumen region. The powerful share among all diseases is constituted by organic damages of a brain, including intellectual backwardness. At the same time this contingent of patients makes considerable amount of socially dangerous actions – annually more than 60% of their total number. It is noted that against the background of decrease in prevalence of mental diseases in the Tyumen region more, than for 35% for all researched period, the number of socially dangerous actions by 2,7 times increased, the share of the persons committing crimes more, than twice grew. By results of the obtained data measures for decrease in number of socially dangerous actions are proposed. In particular, it is about need of application of measures of primary prevention taking into account the revealed risk groups on the basis of the factors influencing making socially dangerous actions mentally sick.

    Authors: Sannikov A. G. [1] Egorov D. B. [1] Shvab D. V. [1] Kulevatov G. V. [1] Nemkov A. G. [4] Tyurin M. V. [1]

    Tags: intellectual backwardness1 mental disorders2 organic damage of a brain1 prevalence7 risk groups1 socially dangerous actions1

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  • 2020 № 7 On the question of the organization of outpatient psychiatric care in the city of Moscow

    The article analyzes the organization and financing of psychiatric care in in-hospital conditions and hospital-replacing care for patients in the dispensary. The results of the study of the composition of patients on the basis of GBUZ “PB No. 13 DZM” for 2015–2017 years are given. The number of patients treated in a dispensary, a day hospital by nosological forms for the last period of time, the number of patients treated by gender were analyzed; considered age categories of patients, the structure of the professional status of patients. During the analyzed period, the main indicators of day hospital were investigated: the average duration of stay of patients, bed turnover, number of bed-days.

    Authors: Grishina N. K. [6] Belostotskiy A. V. [3] Zagoruychenko A. A. [8] Ter-Israelyan A. Yu. [1]

    Tags: compliance1 day hospital4 mental disorders2 paradigm2 psychiatric outpatient module1

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