Communication system as an increasing efficiency factor of a large medical center

Published: 2017-09-20

    Technological management
  • The approach of creation the common communication system as an increasing efficiency factor of a large medical center is presented. The definition of the communication system, its structure and main characteristics are provided on the example of the Tatarstan cancer center. The principles of Tatarstan cancer centers information space are described. Communication channels of healthcare organization are cited. Unique classification of the information that is used in information space of Tatarstan cancer center. Rules of information interaction and principles of a communication feedback are also described. The Product of a transparent system of communication is a clear and distinct information that is available to all stakeholders, the aim of transparent communication system construction is an efficient healthcare organization goal achievement; communication system in medical center has a number of distinctive features and depends on the organizational structure, regulations of information interaction of various healthcare organizations and characteristics of the formed communication channels, and characteristics of organizational culture

    Authors: Khayrullin I. I. [7] Zhavoronkov V. V. [3] Mannanova G. R. [1]

    Tags: cancer center1 communication channels1 communication system3 healthcare management6 healthcare organization8 information interaction1 quality management system9




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