Articles with tag: «r&d»
2016 № 10 The history of the development of breakthrough biomedical areas: lessons for Russia
An analysis was conducted of a model for accelerating the life cycle of research and development, as well as temporary parameters for transforming fundamental industrial perspective using an example of reprogramming technologies for obtaining induced pluripotent stem cells. It is shown that the key role in accelerating the industrial life cycle is played by the fast growing medium high technological companies and large industrial companies, interested in diversification of their business strategies. There has been recorded a significant deceleration in the development of the life cycle in this area in Russia, and its causes have been identified.
2018 № 8 Causes and models of transformation of strategies for technological development of transnational pharmaceutical companies
During the last ten years, the largest pharmaceutical manufacturers significantly changed their approaches to the formation of their own strategies for capturing and retaining the leading positions in global markets. One of the key prerequisites was a decline in the return on investment in R & D: if in 2010 among the top 12 pharmaceutical companies of the world this indicator was 10.1%, then in 2017 it fell to 3.2%. At the same time, the cost of devel¬oping and launching new medicines has increased: from $1.2 billion to $2 billion in 2010–2017. The article analyzes the main reasons for the transformation of the strategies of the Big Pharma companies. It has been suggested that, in the context of a decline in payback in R & D, increased competition, a fall in public expen¬diture on the purchase of pharmaceuticals, and tightening of regulatory requirements, it is advisable for domestic companies to reorient the creation of corporate venture funds and investing in start-ups, and actively use the mergers and acquisitions strategy