All articles by Petrov А. N.
2018 № 6 The Development of post-genomic technologies in the Russian Federation: barriers and risks
The risks of implementation of the complex scientific and technological program “Postgenomic technolo¬gies: from genetic editing to synthetic biology” in the Russian Federation are Considered. As barriers for the full life cycle projects related to genomic editing technologies, the following are highlighted: lack of a sufficient number of personnel, low competitiveness of domestic scientific and technological reserves, lack of modern instrument base, lack of industrial partners, as well as problems of legal regulation of genetic engineering in the Russian Federation. The analysis of the global competitive landscape in the field of genomic editing technologies is carried out
2017 № 8 The transition to a model of personalized medicine: barriers and possible solutions
The transition of the national health system to the model of «personalized medicine» is highlighted in the Strategy of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation as one of seven priorities (item 20 in"). Analyzed risks and possible barriers of the implementation of this priority. Attention is drawn to the need to assess economic viability, human and infrastructural support, adequacy of legal regulation of development of methods of personalized medicine in the Russian Federation in the format of full project life cycle