Articles with tag: «patient-orientation»

    Social aspects of health
  • 2020 № 8 Satisfaction of patients as an indicator of the effectiveness of organizational models of providing medical care in the outpatient sector

    The object of the study is patient satisfaction with the medical care provided as a potential tool for evaluating the effectiveness of organizational changes in the outpatient unit. The patient-oriented approach is becoming more and more widespread in the world and domestic health care, so it is also necessary to take into account the opinion of the recipients of medical care in order to evaluate the ongoing changes. The purpose of the study was to test the developed online patient satisfaction assessment service TesMed in the implementation of systemic organizational changes in the outpatient section of the Tomsk region (united in one document – the Standard for organizing outpatient care in the Tomsk region). Patients were able to use the smartphone functionality to identify the medical organization and put a rating on a five-point scale. If the patient scored less than five points, the app asked them to select a reason for dissatisfaction from the list. The data of 2898 forms were analyzed. By the time of the beginning of noticeable
    changes for visitors of polyclinics (changing the format of the reception area, staff jobs, registry, formation of corporate culture), the share of visitors who rated the work of a medical organization by five points was 57.78%. After a month of project implementation, this parameter increased to 85.79% and did not fall below 72% until the end of 2019. The analysis of factors affecting negative ratings showed that the structure of reasons for their decline has not changed significantly. The study showed that the use of assessment methods used in the provision of medical care organizational models based on the opinion of patients, along with standard performance indicators, contributes to improving the effectiveness of interaction between medical organizations and patients.

    Authors: Shibalkov I. P. [8] Boykov V. A. [7] Kobyakova O. S. [16] Deev I. A. [9] Baranovskaya S. V. [4] Suvorova T. A. [3] Protasova L. M. [2] Shnaider G. V. [1]

    Tags: patient-orientation6 satisfaction with medical care3 standardization of medical care1 “lean manufacturing”3

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  • Management in healthcare
  • 2018 № 7 Development of an integrated assessment tool health and social well-being of patients aged 60 years and over and their needs for different types of care

    A tool for the comprehensive assessment of the condition of patients 60 years of age and over which allows to objectify patients’ demand for medical and social assistance, taking into account their individual characteristics has been developed and tested In the framework of this study. The suggested methodical tool is primarily focused on the use in the primary health care, makes it possible to form both a program of work with each patient at the age of 60 years and older, and an action plan to support the attached population of the given age category at the site or a specific medical organization level, and also assess the efficiency of the assistance provided

    Authors: Korotkova A. V. [3] A. Sh. Senenko [5] Vorobyev R. V. [2] Nitsenko D. I. [2]

    Tags: comprehensive assessment of the health status1 comprehensive geriatric assessment1 elderly patient1 geriatrics4 medical and social assistance3 patient-orientation6 patients aged 60 years and older1 persons of elderly and senile age2 primary health care23

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  • International experience
  • 2021 № 9 Review оf the Person-Centered Care Certification® of the Planetree International organization, USA

    The article presents an overview of the Person-Centered Care Certification® program for healthcare organizations, developed by the non-profit organization Planetree International, as well as a description of the main certification criteria. A brief description and a history of the Planetree International company is also presented.

    Authors: Gabitova S. E. [3] Khayrullin I. I. [7] Rakhmatullin R. E. [3]

    Tags: human-centered healthcare1 patient-centricity1 patient-orientation6 patient-oriented model1 person- centered care certification®1 person-centered care2

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  • Informatization of healthcare
  • 2023 № 4 The use of information technologies in assessing the quality of medical care

    The currently relevant value-based healthcare model (Value-Based Healthcare) is more focused on ensuring long-term effectiveness and patient satisfaction, which is directly related to the implementation of the principles of patient-oriented and patient-centered activities [1].
    In accordance with the Proposals (practical recommendations) on the organization of internal quality control and safety of medical activities in a medical organization (hospital) of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “National Institute of Quality” of Roszdravnadzor, compliance with the principles of patient-centered medical care provides for the development and implementation at the level of a medical organization of a patient safety strategy, including compliance with ethical standards and rules in the implementation of medical care activities. This also includes the procedure for organizing feedback with patients [15].
    The use of information technologies in patient questionnaires and analysis of results allows for operational monitoring of patient satisfaction indicators and to create a basis for assessing most aspects of hospital activities from the perspective of patients: the quality of medical services and their results, interaction with staff, infrastructure and service components.
    The purpose of the study is to provide the results of the implementation of the author’s information and analytical system for collecting and processing information about patient satisfaction through an electronic web questionnaire and providing the calculation of satisfaction indicators in a multidisciplinary hospital.
    M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . The basis of the study was a multidisciplinary hospital of the state budgetary healthcare institution “Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2” in Vladivostok. Within the framework of the study, the inpatient patients were surveyed using questionnaires in electronic form prepared by a medical organization, an information and analytical system was developed to conduct a mathematical analysis of the results of the survey according to five criteria for assessing the quality of medical care conditions.
    The study used a questionnaire including 20 questions, the answers to which express the opinion of patients about the quality of work of doctors and nursing staff, the comfort of the conditions of stay in the emergency department, as well as in the hospital during hospitalization.
    The questionnaire was developed in 2015, and for many years the survey was conducted using paper and manual calculations. But since 2021, patient questionnaires and analysis of the collected data have been transferred to an electronic format.
    In this article we present the results obtained with the help of an information system for collecting and analyzing questionnaires, in which adult patients of a round-the-clock hospital participated.
    R e s u l t s . The use of information technologies in patient questionnaires and analysis of results allows for operational monitoring of patient satisfaction indicators and to create a basis for assessing a number of aspects of hospital activity from the perspective of patients: the quality of medical services and their results, interaction with staff, infrastructure and service components make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of measures to ensure comfortable conditions for the patient’s stay and can be used in practical healthcare to organize measures to eliminate defects and make decisions on the management of a medical organization.
    C o n c l u s i o n s . The introduction of additional methods for studying patient satisfaction using electronic forms, taking into account the specifics of the work of a medical organization to the requirements established by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of interaction with patients and can be one of the tools for assessing the social effectiveness of a medical organization (hospital).

    Authors: Potylitsyn A. V. [3] Martynova A. V. [2] Li M. V. [1]

    Tags: information technology5 multidisciplinary hospital2 patient satisfaction7 patient survey3 patient-orientation6

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  • Foreign experience
  • 2023 № 1 Clivelend clinic case study on pateint experience inprovement and workplace empathy development

    The article presents a case-study of the patient experience improvement strategy and empathy development among healthcare professionals in Cleveland Clinic, USA. Key activities of the Patient Experience Department and the main components of the corporate program for empathy development “Communicate with H.E.A.R.T.” are also described, as well as the effectiveness of these programs.

    Authors: Rakhmatullin R. E. [3] Altyeva A. A. [1]

    Tags: cleveland clinic1 empathy in healthcare1 patient experience2 patient-centeredness2 patient-orientation6 person-centered care2

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  • Focus of problem
  • 2018 № 3 Influence of doctors’ patient-orientation on patient involvement in treatment

    In the article it is shown that nowadays in the public health care of different countries researches of patient-orientation are actively conducted. At the same time patient-orientation as a characteristic of the patient’s communication with the doctor is considered the basis of the patient-doctor relationship. All this corresponds with the feasibility of forming in the domestic health care model of 4P medicine, already repeatedly voiced in recent years on various medical forums. The authors carried out an assessment of the patient-oriented corporate culture of the medical organization. For this purpose, two types of questionnaires were developed and analyzed: “Involvement of health workers” and “Patients’ involvement in treatment”. It has been established that the level of the doctor’s involve- ment in achieving the strategic goals of the medical organization directly affects the level of intention of patients to fulfill doctors’ recommendations. The range of this influence is 43.3% on average

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Tsaranov K. N. [11] Lindenbraten A. L. [1] Tarbastaev A. G. [9]

    Tags: 4p medicine3 patient adherence  to treatment1 patient-centeredness2 patient-orientation6 physician involvement1

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