All articles by Protasova L. M.
2020 № 10 Possibilities of application of the toolkit for independent assessment of the quality of service providing conditions by medical organizations for analysis of effectiveness of system transformations at the ambulatory stage
Successful achievement of goals of the national projects «Healthcare» and «Demography» is impossible without the
active participation of subjects of the Russian Federation. At the same time, choice of optimal tools for assessing the transformations carried out on a regional scale is of particular importance. The aim of the study was to analyze the effectiveness of implementation of the Standard for the organization of outpatient care in the Tomsk region using tools for independent assessment of the quality of conditions for the provision of services by medical organizations. The results of the questionnaire survey of patients of medical organizations participating in the implementation of the project were analyzed before (2018, 896 patients from 18 medical organizations) and after (2019, 252 patients from 5 medical organizations) implementation of its main activities using the Questionnaire approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia. The informativeness of the questions of the questionnaire used to assess the effectiveness of a regional project depended on their nature. It is shown that the results of a questionnaire survey on issues affecting technical aspects of the process of receiving services (waiting times for an appointment with a doctor, research) should be interpreted comprehensively in combination with an assessment of technological indicators and data on the resource availability of the processes under study. Questions related to various aspects of patient satisfaction with the services received and the conditions for their provision showed positive dynamics in a number of parameters, indicating the effectiveness of the project implementation. The questions that concretize the object of satisfaction
or dissatisfaction, in comparison with the questions involving an integrated assessment of the institution, were of great
information content. The survey data obtained in the course of an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for the provision of services in medical organizations can become an effective tool for an integrated assessment of the implementation of regional projects, allowing to determine the correctness of the selected directions of systemic transformations. -
2020 № 8 Satisfaction of patients as an indicator of the effectiveness of organizational models of providing medical care in the outpatient sector
The object of the study is patient satisfaction with the medical care provided as a potential tool for evaluating the effectiveness of organizational changes in the outpatient unit. The patient-oriented approach is becoming more and more widespread in the world and domestic health care, so it is also necessary to take into account the opinion of the recipients of medical care in order to evaluate the ongoing changes. The purpose of the study was to test the developed online patient satisfaction assessment service TesMed in the implementation of systemic organizational changes in the outpatient section of the Tomsk region (united in one document – the Standard for organizing outpatient care in the Tomsk region). Patients were able to use the smartphone functionality to identify the medical organization and put a rating on a five-point scale. If the patient scored less than five points, the app asked them to select a reason for dissatisfaction from the list. The data of 2898 forms were analyzed. By the time of the beginning of noticeable
changes for visitors of polyclinics (changing the format of the reception area, staff jobs, registry, formation of corporate culture), the share of visitors who rated the work of a medical organization by five points was 57.78%. After a month of project implementation, this parameter increased to 85.79% and did not fall below 72% until the end of 2019. The analysis of factors affecting negative ratings showed that the structure of reasons for their decline has not changed significantly. The study showed that the use of assessment methods used in the provision of medical care organizational models based on the opinion of patients, along with standard performance indicators, contributes to improving the effectiveness of interaction between medical organizations and patients.