Articles with tag: «patient survey»

    Sociology of healthcare
  • 2022 № 3 Assessment of time spent by patients when visiting a medical organization

    The satisfaction of the population with medical care is considered today as one of the most important indicators of the health care system. At the same time, more and more attention is being paid to the time spent by patients in a medical organization when receiving outpatient care, as a factor affecting satisfaction with medical care in general.
    P u r p o s e of the study is to determine the opinion of patients about their time costs when visiting a medical organization that provides outpatient care.
    M a t e r i a l a n d m e t h o d s . The process of a patient’s referral to a polyclinic, a questionnaire for patients posted on the Internet on an open electronic resource Online Test Pad. The number of questionnaires is 509. Methods: analytical, sociological, descriptive statistics.
    R e s u l t s . During the surveys, respondents subjectively assess the time spent on various actions: communication at the reception desk, searching for an office, waiting for an appointment, etc., as well as the total time spent in a medical organization. In addition, the appearance at the polyclinic may be preceded by an appointment, which also takes time. Respondents were asked to estimate the total time spent in the polyclinic, as well as the time they are willing to devote to visiting it. The respondents’ assessment of the time spent shows significant time reserves: in the organization of an appointment and the work of the registry (clarifications, obtaining background information, obtaining coupons), navigation and, possibly, in the location of offices, in the organization of space in waiting areas.
    C o n c l u s i o n s . A tool for assessing the time spent by patients to receive care in a medical organization providing outpatient care has been developed and tested. There are significant differences in the length of time spent on making an appointment, including by phone and via the Internet. Significant reserves have been identified to reduce the total time required to visit the polyclinic. The developed tool is characterized by a short filling time, contains simple questions and allows you to quickly identify areas of necessary improvements.

    Authors: Senenko A. Sh. [7] Savchenko E. D. [5] Shelgunov V. A. [1]

    Tags: doctor’s appointment1 lean  technologies2 navigation in the polyclinic1 patient satisfaction7 patient survey3 patient time evaluation1 polyclinic5 primary health care23 registry1 waiting for an appointment1

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  • Management in healthcare
  • 2022 № 9 The role of naming in healthcare. From a psychiatric hospital to a mental health center.

    An urgent issue today is to increase the confidence of citizens in the healthcare system. Moreover, the issue of trust is of particular importance in the provision of psychiatric care, due to the high level of stigmatization of this area of medicine.
    The purpose of the study was to assess the significance for patients of the names of medical organizations in the profile of «psychiatry».
    Materials and methods. In 2021 Kirov Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital named after Academician V.M. Bekhterev changed its name and became the Center for Psychiatry and Mental Health Academician V.M. Bekhterev. A survey was conducted of 216 patients who applied or are undergoing treatment at the Center of Psychiatry and Mental Health named after Academician V.M.
    Bekhterev, using a specially designed questionnaire consisting of 24 questions. The results obtained were statistically processed.
    Results. A large proportion of the respondents had one or another mental disorder, and more than half are worried because of this, to one degree or another. One-fifth of the respondents indicate that their rights were violated due to their mental disorders.
    All this points to the problems that exist to this day associated with the stigmatization of patients with mental disorders, as well as the stigmatization of the psychiatric service itself. 43% of respondents noted that the name of a medical organization has an impact on their trust in a medical organization. The patients surveyed gave the highest rating to the name «Mental Health Center».
    Conclusions. Thus, the name of a medical organization directly affects the trust of patients in it. In addition, the name also affects the subjective assessment of the quality of medical care provided in a medical organization.

    Authors: Neznanov N. G. [1] Kochorova L. V. [2] Skripov V. S. [1] Nabatov I. F. [1] Martovetskaya G. A. [1]

    Tags: branding in healthcare1 name of a medical organization1 naming1 patient survey3 quality of medical care21

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  • Informatization of healthcare
  • 2023 № 4 The use of information technologies in assessing the quality of medical care

    The currently relevant value-based healthcare model (Value-Based Healthcare) is more focused on ensuring long-term effectiveness and patient satisfaction, which is directly related to the implementation of the principles of patient-oriented and patient-centered activities [1].
    In accordance with the Proposals (practical recommendations) on the organization of internal quality control and safety of medical activities in a medical organization (hospital) of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “National Institute of Quality” of Roszdravnadzor, compliance with the principles of patient-centered medical care provides for the development and implementation at the level of a medical organization of a patient safety strategy, including compliance with ethical standards and rules in the implementation of medical care activities. This also includes the procedure for organizing feedback with patients [15].
    The use of information technologies in patient questionnaires and analysis of results allows for operational monitoring of patient satisfaction indicators and to create a basis for assessing most aspects of hospital activities from the perspective of patients: the quality of medical services and their results, interaction with staff, infrastructure and service components.
    The purpose of the study is to provide the results of the implementation of the author’s information and analytical system for collecting and processing information about patient satisfaction through an electronic web questionnaire and providing the calculation of satisfaction indicators in a multidisciplinary hospital.
    M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . The basis of the study was a multidisciplinary hospital of the state budgetary healthcare institution “Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2” in Vladivostok. Within the framework of the study, the inpatient patients were surveyed using questionnaires in electronic form prepared by a medical organization, an information and analytical system was developed to conduct a mathematical analysis of the results of the survey according to five criteria for assessing the quality of medical care conditions.
    The study used a questionnaire including 20 questions, the answers to which express the opinion of patients about the quality of work of doctors and nursing staff, the comfort of the conditions of stay in the emergency department, as well as in the hospital during hospitalization.
    The questionnaire was developed in 2015, and for many years the survey was conducted using paper and manual calculations. But since 2021, patient questionnaires and analysis of the collected data have been transferred to an electronic format.
    In this article we present the results obtained with the help of an information system for collecting and analyzing questionnaires, in which adult patients of a round-the-clock hospital participated.
    R e s u l t s . The use of information technologies in patient questionnaires and analysis of results allows for operational monitoring of patient satisfaction indicators and to create a basis for assessing a number of aspects of hospital activity from the perspective of patients: the quality of medical services and their results, interaction with staff, infrastructure and service components make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of measures to ensure comfortable conditions for the patient’s stay and can be used in practical healthcare to organize measures to eliminate defects and make decisions on the management of a medical organization.
    C o n c l u s i o n s . The introduction of additional methods for studying patient satisfaction using electronic forms, taking into account the specifics of the work of a medical organization to the requirements established by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of interaction with patients and can be one of the tools for assessing the social effectiveness of a medical organization (hospital).

    Authors: Potylitsyn A. V. [3] Martynova A. V. [2] Li M. V. [1]

    Tags: information technology5 multidisciplinary hospital2 patient satisfaction7 patient survey3 patient-orientation6

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