Articles with tag: «patient satisfaction»

    Sociology of healthcare
  • 2022 № 3 Assessment of time spent by patients when visiting a medical organization

    The satisfaction of the population with medical care is considered today as one of the most important indicators of the health care system. At the same time, more and more attention is being paid to the time spent by patients in a medical organization when receiving outpatient care, as a factor affecting satisfaction with medical care in general.
    P u r p o s e of the study is to determine the opinion of patients about their time costs when visiting a medical organization that provides outpatient care.
    M a t e r i a l a n d m e t h o d s . The process of a patient’s referral to a polyclinic, a questionnaire for patients posted on the Internet on an open electronic resource Online Test Pad. The number of questionnaires is 509. Methods: analytical, sociological, descriptive statistics.
    R e s u l t s . During the surveys, respondents subjectively assess the time spent on various actions: communication at the reception desk, searching for an office, waiting for an appointment, etc., as well as the total time spent in a medical organization. In addition, the appearance at the polyclinic may be preceded by an appointment, which also takes time. Respondents were asked to estimate the total time spent in the polyclinic, as well as the time they are willing to devote to visiting it. The respondents’ assessment of the time spent shows significant time reserves: in the organization of an appointment and the work of the registry (clarifications, obtaining background information, obtaining coupons), navigation and, possibly, in the location of offices, in the organization of space in waiting areas.
    C o n c l u s i o n s . A tool for assessing the time spent by patients to receive care in a medical organization providing outpatient care has been developed and tested. There are significant differences in the length of time spent on making an appointment, including by phone and via the Internet. Significant reserves have been identified to reduce the total time required to visit the polyclinic. The developed tool is characterized by a short filling time, contains simple questions and allows you to quickly identify areas of necessary improvements.

    Authors: Senenko A. Sh. [7] Savchenko E. D. [5] Shelgunov V. A. [1]

    Tags: doctor’s appointment1 lean  technologies2 navigation in the polyclinic1 patient satisfaction7 patient survey3 patient time evaluation1 polyclinic5 primary health care23 registry1 waiting for an appointment1

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  • Marketing in health care
  • 2021 № 9 Independent assessment of the quality of medical care in a multidisciplinary hospital

    The assessment of the quality of the conditions for the provision of medical services from the patient’s point of view is an integral part of the management process of medical organizations within the framework of the implementation of the concept of patientoriented healthcare.
    The purpose of the study is to analyze the results of a patient survey as part of an independent assessment of the quality of medical care conditions in a round-the-clock hospital of a large multidisciplinary medical organization.
    M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . As part of the independent assessment, the inpatient patients were surveyed using questionnaires approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. A mathematical analysis of the results of the survey was carried out according to five criteria for assessing the quality of medical care conditions.
    R e s u l t s . The results of an independent quality assessment in the hospital allow us to assess the effectiveness of measures to ensure comfortable conditions for the patient’s stay and can be used in practical healthcare for organizing measures to eliminate defects and making strategically important decisions on the management of a medical organization.
    F i n d i n g s . The survey of patients allows not only to fulfill the requirements of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on participation in an independent quality assessment, but also to identify “pain points” in the organization of medical care processes. The opinion of patients helps to focus attention on problematic areas in the activities of the Ministry of Health, which are often not noticed by the medical staff, gives an understanding of the effectiveness of innovations and reforms.

    Authors: Potylitsyn A. V. [3] Beniova S. N. [2] Lee M. V. [2] Kiku P. F. [1] Sabirova K. M. [1]

    Tags: hospital3 independent quality assessment3 patient satisfaction7 questionnaire survey4

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  • Management in healthcare
  • 2022 № 5 Review of lean practices in clinical laboratories

    The main role of clinical laboratory diagnostics is to obtain reliable, reproducible and timely results that help to make the right clinical decisions. As the literature review shows, there are a number of common problems for many clinical laboratories, such as: long turnaround times, high laboratory costs for consumables, insufficient level of satisfaction with quality of services received by patients and high number of complaints. The use of lean manufacturing can be one way of solving these problems.
    Purpose of the study is to summarize and analyze the literature regarding the application of lean manufacturing in clinical laboratories.
    Materials and methods. A literature review was performed using the following abstract databases: Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Mendeley, and NCBI. The depth of the search according to the time parameter had no limitations. The following keywords were used as search markers: “lean management”, “lean thinking”, “lean six sigma”, “lean tools”, “healthcare”, “health services”, “clinical laboratory”. More than 100 publications were analyzed, from which 28 most representative studies were selected.
    Results. The implementation of lean production methods provides a reduction in turnaround time, costs and errors in the clinical laboratory, reduces the contamination of biological material at the preanalytical stage and reduces waiting time for services and, as a consequence, reduces the number of patient complaints.
    Conclusion. The above results indicate that lean production methods can be used in laboratories to solve frequently occurring problems and demonstrate the effectiveness of their application in clinical laboratories.

    Authors: Shibalkov I. P. [8] Boykov V. A. [7] Kobyakova O. S. [16] Deev I. A. [9] Baranovskaya S. V. [4] Babeshina M. A. [2] Pavlova K. A. [1] Perfilyeva D. Yu. [1]

    Tags: clinical laboratory2 cost reduction1 lean  production6 patient satisfaction7 turnaround time (tat)1

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  • 2022 № 9 Identification of directions for improving the quality of medical services using SERVQUAL and IPA techniques

    Assessing patients’ expectations and perceptions of health care delivery is challenging. To understand the quality of health care delivery, a study was conducted related to how patients assess the expected and perceived quality of health care delivery in a district hospital. Modern methods of measuring patient satisfaction and its interpretation using statistical analysis methods allow solving problems of this type.
    P u r p o s e : development of approach to improvement of quality of medical services provision using results of measurement of satisfaction with quality of medical services provided to patients in inpatient conditions of regional level, using SERVQUAL technique; substantiation on built regression model of influence of certain aspects of patients’ perception of quality satisfaction.
    M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . The materials of the study are presented in the form of the results of a medical and sociological study of 418 patients who received medical services in one of the medical organizations at the regional level. Methods of statistical analysis of patient questionnaire results, factor, regression analysis, Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) were used.
    R e s u l t s . An analysis of the data showed that 54.3% of patients were quite satisfied with the services. A regression equation is constructed to calculate the degree of patient satisfaction depending on a number of aspects of health care delivery. According to the IPA method, a schedule of four-quadrant distributions of patient assessments has been drawn up, on the basis of which it is possible to form measures to increase patient satisfaction with medical services.
    F i n d i n g s . The use of the SERVQUAL technique allows you to measure satisfaction with the quality of medical services, and the use of the IPA technique allows you to interpret it and obtain useful information regarding the quality of medical services as an element of patient feedback in the quality management system of a medical organization

    Authors: Isaenkova E. A. [2]

    Tags: importance-performance analysis (ipa) technique1 medical organization53 patient satisfaction7 quality of services1 servqual technique1

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  • 2023 № 3 The wage system as an instrument of influence on the quality of primary health care.

    Qualified and motivated employees of a medical organization are a necessary component that ensures the provision of medical care of appropriate quality One of the motivating factors of medical workers for high-quality and efficient work is wages.
    The purpose of the study. To analyze and evaluate the impact of the remuneration system of medical workers based on labor rationing on the quality of primary health care (PHC) on the example of the state district polyclinics of St. Petersburg. Materials and methods. Based on the reporting data of polyclinics selected by the research bases, the following were studied: the dynamics of the number and staffing of medical workers from 2018 to 2021; the percentage and structure of reasons for refusal to pay for cases of medical care in 2010–2018 and 2020–2021; the dynamics of the detection of malignant neoplasms in the early stages. The results of the patient survey were analyzed in order to assess changes in the quality of primary health care for the adult population after the introduction of a system of remuneration for medical workers based on labor rationing.
    Results. After the introduction of a new wage system based on its rationing, a number of general positive trends were identified for the studied polyclinics, such as: an increase in staffing of medical personnel in general by 3.5%–8.7%, district internists by 4.6%–42.7%, specialist doctors by 2.8%–12.4%, average medical personnel by 4.5%–17.7%; increase in the proportion of oncological pathology detected at early stages by 13.5%–20.1%; decrease in the share of refusals to pay for medical care cases by 9.3%–32.9%; a decrease in the total number of citizens’ complaints in the form of complaints by 6.0–58.0%, including justified ones.
    Findings. The introduction of a wage system based on labor rationing has increased the economic and medico-social efficiency of the polyclinics under study, as well as the motivation of medical workers to provide medical care of appropriate quality.

    Authors: Sochkova L. V. [2] Kim A. V. [2] Sharafutdinova L. L. [2] Guryeva N. A. [2] Smirnova V. I. [1]

    Tags: labor rationing2 patient satisfaction7 primary health care23 quality and accessibility of medical care1

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  • Management in health care
  • 2020 № 10 Possibilities of application of the toolkit for independent assessment of the quality of service providing conditions by medical organizations for analysis of effectiveness of system transformations at the ambulatory stage

    Successful achievement of goals of the national projects «Healthcare» and «Demography» is impossible without the
    active participation of subjects of the Russian Federation. At the same time, choice of optimal tools for assessing the transformations carried out on a regional scale is of particular importance. The aim of the study was to analyze the effectiveness of implementation of the Standard for the organization of outpatient care in the Tomsk region using tools for independent assessment of the quality of conditions for the provision of services by medical organizations. The results of the questionnaire survey of patients of medical organizations participating in the implementation of the project were analyzed before (2018, 896 patients from 18 medical organizations) and after (2019, 252 patients from 5 medical organizations) implementation of its main activities using the Questionnaire approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia. The informativeness of the questions of the questionnaire used to assess the effectiveness of a regional project depended on their nature. It is shown that the results of a questionnaire survey on issues affecting technical aspects of the process of receiving services (waiting times for an appointment with a doctor, research) should be interpreted comprehensively in combination with an assessment of technological indicators and data on the resource availability of the processes under study. Questions related to various aspects of patient satisfaction with the services received and the conditions for their provision showed positive dynamics in a number of parameters, indicating the effectiveness of the project implementation. The questions that concretize the object of satisfaction
    or dissatisfaction, in comparison with the questions involving an integrated assessment of the institution, were of great
    information content. The survey data obtained in the course of an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for the provision of services in medical organizations can become an effective tool for an integrated assessment of the implementation of regional projects, allowing to determine the correctness of the selected directions of systemic transformations.

    Authors: Shibalkov I. P. [8] Boykov V. A. [7] Kobyakova O. S. [16] Deev I. A. [9] Baranovskaya S. V. [4] Suvorova T. A. [3] Protasova L. M. [2]

    Tags: effectiveness assessment1 independent quality assessment3 patient satisfaction7 questionnaire survey4

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  • Informatization of healthcare
  • 2023 № 4 The use of information technologies in assessing the quality of medical care

    The currently relevant value-based healthcare model (Value-Based Healthcare) is more focused on ensuring long-term effectiveness and patient satisfaction, which is directly related to the implementation of the principles of patient-oriented and patient-centered activities [1].
    In accordance with the Proposals (practical recommendations) on the organization of internal quality control and safety of medical activities in a medical organization (hospital) of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “National Institute of Quality” of Roszdravnadzor, compliance with the principles of patient-centered medical care provides for the development and implementation at the level of a medical organization of a patient safety strategy, including compliance with ethical standards and rules in the implementation of medical care activities. This also includes the procedure for organizing feedback with patients [15].
    The use of information technologies in patient questionnaires and analysis of results allows for operational monitoring of patient satisfaction indicators and to create a basis for assessing most aspects of hospital activities from the perspective of patients: the quality of medical services and their results, interaction with staff, infrastructure and service components.
    The purpose of the study is to provide the results of the implementation of the author’s information and analytical system for collecting and processing information about patient satisfaction through an electronic web questionnaire and providing the calculation of satisfaction indicators in a multidisciplinary hospital.
    M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . The basis of the study was a multidisciplinary hospital of the state budgetary healthcare institution “Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2” in Vladivostok. Within the framework of the study, the inpatient patients were surveyed using questionnaires in electronic form prepared by a medical organization, an information and analytical system was developed to conduct a mathematical analysis of the results of the survey according to five criteria for assessing the quality of medical care conditions.
    The study used a questionnaire including 20 questions, the answers to which express the opinion of patients about the quality of work of doctors and nursing staff, the comfort of the conditions of stay in the emergency department, as well as in the hospital during hospitalization.
    The questionnaire was developed in 2015, and for many years the survey was conducted using paper and manual calculations. But since 2021, patient questionnaires and analysis of the collected data have been transferred to an electronic format.
    In this article we present the results obtained with the help of an information system for collecting and analyzing questionnaires, in which adult patients of a round-the-clock hospital participated.
    R e s u l t s . The use of information technologies in patient questionnaires and analysis of results allows for operational monitoring of patient satisfaction indicators and to create a basis for assessing a number of aspects of hospital activity from the perspective of patients: the quality of medical services and their results, interaction with staff, infrastructure and service components make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of measures to ensure comfortable conditions for the patient’s stay and can be used in practical healthcare to organize measures to eliminate defects and make decisions on the management of a medical organization.
    C o n c l u s i o n s . The introduction of additional methods for studying patient satisfaction using electronic forms, taking into account the specifics of the work of a medical organization to the requirements established by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of interaction with patients and can be one of the tools for assessing the social effectiveness of a medical organization (hospital).

    Authors: Potylitsyn A. V. [3] Martynova A. V. [2] Li M. V. [1]

    Tags: information technology5 multidisciplinary hospital2 patient satisfaction7 patient survey3 patient-orientation6

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