Articles with tag: «person-centered care»
2021 № 9 Review оf the Person-Centered Care Certification® of the Planetree International organization, USA
The article presents an overview of the Person-Centered Care Certification® program for healthcare organizations, developed by the non-profit organization Planetree International, as well as a description of the main certification criteria. A brief description and a history of the Planetree International company is also presented.
2023 № 1 Clivelend clinic case study on pateint experience inprovement and workplace empathy development
The article presents a case-study of the patient experience improvement strategy and empathy development among healthcare professionals in Cleveland Clinic, USA. Key activities of the Patient Experience Department and the main components of the corporate program for empathy development “Communicate with H.E.A.R.T.” are also described, as well as the effectiveness of these programs.