Influence of doctors’ patient-orientation on patient involvement in treatment
Published: 2018-04-30
In the article it is shown that nowadays in the public health care of different countries researches of patient-orientation are actively conducted. At the same time patient-orientation as a characteristic of the patient’s communication with the doctor is considered the basis of the patient-doctor relationship. All this corresponds with the feasibility of forming in the domestic health care model of 4P medicine, already repeatedly voiced in recent years on various medical forums. The authors carried out an assessment of the patient-oriented corporate culture of the medical organization. For this purpose, two types of questionnaires were developed and analyzed: “Involvement of health workers” and “Patients’ involvement in treatment”. It has been established that the level of the doctor’s involve- ment in achieving the strategic goals of the medical organization directly affects the level of intention of patients to fulfill doctors’ recommendations. The range of this influence is 43.3% on average