Articles with tag: «compulsory medical insurance fund»

  • 2017 № 6 Regulatory framework for providing high-technology ophthalmological medical care under outpatient treatment

    The article analyzes the existing legal basis for providing high-technology ophthalmological medical care through a systematic review of regulatory enactments that directly regulate this type of activity (14 regulatory enactments, including 2 federal laws).
    High-technology medical care is a separately licensed type of medical activity carried out by approved federal or regional medical organizations, financed by subsidy or directly from federal budget, provided for approved types of medical care in a hospital. The source of funding for healthcare determines essential conditions. The existing legal framework creates significant restrictions for providing high-technology ophthalmological medical care under outpatient treatment in the case of healthcare covered by Compulsory Health Insurance or an appropriate budget. The article outlines the ways of solving this problem proposed by the authors, including for a medical institution, without violating the current legislation. Healthcare covered by other sources of funding can be provided in any conditions, including outpatient

    Authors: Borshchuk E. L. [4] Chuprov A. D. [4] Lositskiy A. O. [1]

    Tags: compulsory medical insurance fund1 medical organization53 quality and safety of medical activity12 quality of medical care21 regulatory body of public health service1

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