Articles with tag: «overall morbidity»
2017 № 6 Peculiarities of the morbidity of teenagers 15–17 years old in Russian Federation for the period 2000–2015
Adolescent population’s health determines the formation of the nation’s health for the future. Tendency of the general morbidity of adolescents in the dynamics for 2000–2015 in Russia is presented. For the period of study, a significant increase in the overall incidence of adolescents was revealed: from 1730 to 2193 cases per 1000 of the corresponding population (an increase of 26.8%). At the same time, the average annual growth for five-year periods (2000–2005–2010–2015) was 0.4; 5.1; and –0.2%, respectively. The growth trend is also traced for the incidence detected in adolescents for the first time in life: from 1046 to 1341 per 1000 of the respective population (by 28.2%), while the average annual growth over the five-year periods indicated above was 0.5; 5.5; –0.4, respectively. The study showed that the last 15 years were characterized by negative dynamics of the health indicators of the adolescent population. The share of diagnoses registered for the first time in life, from the total morbidity of children of 15–17 years in general for all diseases has not changed (61% in both 2000 and 2015 years), that indicates growth of both acute and chronic pathology in the population