Articles with tag: «program of state guarantees of free medical care»

  • 2023 № 1 Planning medical care for patients with cancer in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    National project “Fight against oncological diseases 2019 - 2024” implemented for the fourth year. During this time, experience has been gained in planning the volume of medical care, including diagnostic tests, and financial support in the system of compulsory medical insurance, but there is no systematic analysis of planning problems. The purpose of this study was to study the planning by the subjects of the volume of medical care and their implementation of the target indicators of the territorial programs of state guarantees of free medical care (TPGG) and to identify planning problems. We analyzed the territorial programs of state guarantees of some subjects of the Russian Federation. Also, from the territorial CHI Funds (TFOMS) we received information on the performance of TPSG indicators: the
    volume of care in round-the-clock and day hospitals, planned and actually performed molecular genetic studies and cases of positron emission tomography combined with computed tomography in 2021 and the first half of 2022 of the year. We found significant problems, some of which have causes at the federal level, others are purely regional in nature, which lead to significant differences in planning the volume of medical care between the subjects of the Russian Federation. Conclusion. Planning the volume of medical care in the field of “Oncology” varies significantly between the subjects of the Russian Federation and has systemic difficulties, control over the effective use of funds is insufficient. We consider it necessary when planning medical care for the oncology profile in the Program of State Guarantees of
    Free Medical Care to take into account the standardized incidence rate per 100,000 population, and not the number of insured persons in the subject.

    Authors: Shelyakin V. A. [1] Linnik S. А. [3] Tretyakov D. A. [1] Khudyaev A. S. [1] Shvachko S. A. [2]

    Tags: financial support3 malignant neoplasms5 molecular genetic research1 planning of volumes of medical care1 program of state guarantees of free medical care2

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  • Focus of problem
  • 2018 № 5 The program of state guarantees as a tool for ensuring social obligations of the state in the field of health protection of citizens

    The program of state guarantees of free medical care is a tactical tool to ensure the social obligations of the state in the field of public health. It is shown that the current system of state guarantees at the macrolevel provides funding for all types, forms and conditions of medical care in the full range of diseases, but free medical care is not fully provided. In the overall structure of health care spending in Russia, the share of personal funds of citizens is almost half, which is more than three times higher than in the European Union. The data presented in the article suggest that the population pays not for the possibility of obtaining medical care, but for its quality. The authors believe that it is necessary to change the relationship between the doctor and the patient, to create conditions for the traditional spiritual and intellectual development of the Russian professional medical community

    Authors: Perkhov V. I. [20]

    Tags: paid medical services22 program of state guarantees of free medical care2 public health and health care2 state obligations in the sphere of health protection of citizens1

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