Articles with tag: «sensitivity analysis»
2017 № 3 The possibility of adapting European clinical and economic models for use in the Russian routine practice to calculate the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus type 2
The cost of the type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) treatment with dapagliflozin as a first-line drug, its subsequent combination with metformin and then switching to insulin therapy, were 297 321 068 rubles. This calculation based on the prospective modelling with a 25 year prognosis horizon in the cohort of 1,000 patients. In case of the first-line saxagliptin application, its following combination with metformin and then switching to insulin therapy, the costs were 297 733 828 rubles, that is at 412,760 rubles more than first-line dapagliflozin strategy. A cost-effectiveness analysis of the first-line dapagliflozin strategy in comparing with the saxagliptin treatment is not highly sensitive to changes in the price that are within 10%. In this range of price changes, the dapagliflozin strategy can be considered even more cost-effective achieving 141.38 rubles for QALY gained with an increase in the price of dapagliflozin by 10% and 244.05 rubles / QALY, while the price of saxagliptin decreases by 10%.