Articles with tag: «direct costs»
2017 № 7 Comparative analysis and integrated assessment economic efficiency of the developed three-level system of provision of urological care to the population in the region compared to the traditional approach
Medico-economic efficiency of functioning of the regional urological service at the modern stage of healthcare development is not optimal. In article the analysis of work-level system and the restructuring of urological care in Voronezh region for the total amount of direct costs for diagnosis and treatment of all patients and the cost of diagnosis and treatment in terms of a particular patient, for example urolithiasis, benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer. The study included two stages: a traditional system of provision of urological care to the implementation of the system restructuring, and after implementing three-tier system of care for patients with urological disorders. The results demonstrate a strong statistically significant objective reduction of economic costs of diagnosis and treatment for the vast majority of patients in all three nosological forms presented in this study reflect the ultimate performance of the regional urological service (on the example of Voronezh region), in terms of its functioning in the format developed a three-tiered system of medical care in comparison with the traditional approach.
2016 № 7 Methodology of creation and using of clinicoeconomic simulator for decision-makers by the example of GEP nets and pNETs
Health technology assessment (HTA) in the condition of a limited budget is an actual problem for Ministry of Health employee and persons who make a decision. Switching to single-channel financing, increasing of budgets in the hospital segment and the interaction with insurance companies force us to use the principles of technology assessment made in developed countries and to create our own tools for decision-making. We’ve designed a clinical and economic decision-making simulator for socially – significant diseases by the example of GEP NETs and pNETs.
2017 № 3 The possibility of adapting European clinical and economic models for use in the Russian routine practice to calculate the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus type 2
The cost of the type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) treatment with dapagliflozin as a first-line drug, its subsequent combination with metformin and then switching to insulin therapy, were 297 321 068 rubles. This calculation based on the prospective modelling with a 25 year prognosis horizon in the cohort of 1,000 patients. In case of the first-line saxagliptin application, its following combination with metformin and then switching to insulin therapy, the costs were 297 733 828 rubles, that is at 412,760 rubles more than first-line dapagliflozin strategy. A cost-effectiveness analysis of the first-line dapagliflozin strategy in comparing with the saxagliptin treatment is not highly sensitive to changes in the price that are within 10%. In this range of price changes, the dapagliflozin strategy can be considered even more cost-effective achieving 141.38 rubles for QALY gained with an increase in the price of dapagliflozin by 10% and 244.05 rubles / QALY, while the price of saxagliptin decreases by 10%.
2019 № 1 Methodology for estimating the costs of identifying, diagnosing and treating tuberculosis with multiple and extensive drug resistance
Estimating the cost of treating patients with extensive drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis is useful both in planning financial resources for anti-tuberculosis activities and in determining the economic burden of this phenomenon. The article proposed the author’s methodology for estimating the costs of identifying, diagnosing and treating tuberculosis with multiple and extensive drug resistance, calculated estimates of the cost of combating the general drug resistance of mycobacteria tuberculosis.
2015 № 5 Direct costs calculator as a tool for economic justification of health care expenditures for patients with castration-refractory prostate cancer
The article describes a tool to calculate the direct medical costs of treating patients with castrationre fractory prostate cancer. This tool will allow to assess cost of medical procedures and to justify treatment choice.