All articles by Artemieva G. B.
2016 № 5 Overview of the implementation of a policy to provide neurosurgery medical care for adult population in Ryasan region
The quality and accessibility of medical care affect improving health, social and economic efficiency and directly dependent on the optimal organization of medical care on the basis of developed and approved procedures of medical care. The number of beds and neuro-surgical profile doctors-neuro-surgeons in the Ryazan region, are lower than the national average. In General, in the Ryazan region observed the procedure of rendering of medical aid to adult population the profile of «neurosurgery». To improve the quality and efficiency of neurosurgical care is necessary to conduct a number of organizational measures.
2016 № 1 On particular issues of defining the demand for hospital beds (according to data from Samara region)
The task to define the real demand for hospital beds has become one of the most relevant ones in the recent times. There are suggested several options to estimate demand, out which the most attractive are those based on the audits of the population’s morbidity.
2014 № 10 When fund holding is essential (Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia; Ryazan State I.V. Pavlov Medical University, Ryazan, Russia).
Annotation. In recent time, there has been actively discussed the efficiency of various payment methods for medical care within the system of mandatory medical insurance, however, more attention is dedicated to implementation of fund holding elements. This method along with its beneficial sides, represents a lot of risks, which complicates it's widespread usage. However, there are situations, when fund holding might neutralize the problems, which a rise while managing work in hospital organizations.
2013 № 5 Regarding the problem of fund's spending effectiveness in the system of mandatory medical insurance (Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia; Territorial Fund of Mandatory Medical Insurance System of Ryazan region, Ryazan, Russia).
Annotation: Effective spending of funds for mandatory medical insurance system depends on many factors. In this article there is considered a dependency of economic effectiveness from management of medical aid. There are presented examples of when errors in managing medical aid result into serious economic losses.
2013 № 1 Regarding several methodological approaches to pricing and payment process for medical services in regional system of Mandatory Medical Insurance (Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia; TFOMS of Ryazan region, Ryazan, Russia)
Reforming the system of mandatory insurance coverage in Russia is impossible without integration of progressive directions in defining tariffs for medical services and their approaches. It is proposed to process payment for stationary aid according to formed clinic-statistic groups depending on the stage of medical care and outpatient care — with the help of combined method, consisting of capita funding and payment coverage of visits and particular medical services.
2014 № 1 Some methodological approaches to organization of medical care in municipal medical institutions in the Compulsory Health Insurance system (Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia; Ryazan State I.V. Pavlov Medical University, Ryazan, Russia).
Аnnotation. Organization of medical care in health care facilities in rural municipalities require special approaches to the implementation of medical standards, exploit opportunities of inter-municipal centers and optimization of payment methods of medical care.
2013 № 9 Regarding several problems with evaluating salary income of medical employees (Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia; TFOMS of Ryazan region, Ryazan, Russia)
In 2013 it is planned to significantly increase amount of salary pays for medical employees. At the same time, there are a number of questions which are not resolved yet which relate to analysis of labor compensation in medical entities, as well as formation of payroll funds and salaries.
2013 № 7 Will the raker fly past? Across-the-board standard medical examination: declaration and reality (Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia; TFOMS Ryazan region, Ryazan, Russia).
In 2013 there has been started a across-the-board standard medical examination of population of Russian Federation which forced to solve a number of problems, part of which existed in other previous campaigns, therefore, it is important to consider their experience and results. First of all, it is necessary to avoid quantitate evaluation of the standard medical examination, and pay more attention towards long-term research on impact of standard medical examination on the health state of population. At the same time, the standard medical examination shouldn't affect the affordability of medical aid for ill people, applying to medical organizations.
2013 № 3 Fundholding: overview in a quarter of century (Samara State Medical University, Russia; TFOMS Ryazan region, Russia)
Reforming the system of mandatory medical assurance in Russia is impossible without implementing modern methods of medical services expenses coverage. Herewith it is important to consider all positive and negative aspects of various methods with regards of concrete situation examples. In the article there is investigated the introduction of per capita funding with elements of fundholding in Samara region together with the analysis of existing risks from the historic angle.
2013 № 2 Defining the need in hospital beds in Ryazan region (TFOMS Ryazan region, Ryazan; Russia, Samara State University, Samara, Russia)
Annotation. Modernization of health care on regional level provides deployment of optimal amount of hospital beds, corresponding to real needs of population. With the help of differentiated normatives on provision of hospital beds (V.I. Starodubov and co-authors, 2011) there is calculated a need in 24/hour stationary beds in Ryazan region.
2014 № 5 Quality control of diagnostics research in privately owned medical organizations (Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia; Ryazan State I.V. Pavlov Medical University, Ryazan, Russia).
Annotation. In the recent time there is established an increasing number of privately owned diagnostics medical organizations. Part of them is included in the system of mandatory health insurance, others — operate only at the cost of public's expense. A great number of research, produced in such organizations, is conducted without physicians prescriptions which can lead to unwanted consequences.
2014 № 4 On the question of study on public's satisfaction with health care system (Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia; Ryazan State I.V. Pavlov Medical University, Ryazan, Russia).
Satisfaction of public having accessibility and quality of medical care, as well as its organization became one of the main criteria of valuating the system of health care in the recent time. Conducting sociological research requires a scientific approach and high qualification from its organizers. Sociological valuation can become of the criteria of complex valuation of medical care quality.