All articles by Yeremin G. B.
2013 № 3 The theoretical aspects of the sanitary-epidemiological expertise (Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Scientific-Research Institute of Hygiene, Occupational Pathology and Human Ecology» Federal Medical-Biological Agency, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia; State Educational Establishment for High Professional Training «North-West state medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov» of Ministry for Public Health of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia)
In this paper, a philological, semantic and legal analysis of terminology is performed forming the basis of sanitary-epidemiological expertise. The influence of linguistic and semantic content of texts on the rules of professional conduct is considered. The definitions of object of sanitary-epidemiological examination survey are presented, the meaning of terms: opinion, judgment, evaluation, inference, conclusion are considered. The action algorithm of sanitary-epidemiological expertise expert is considered.
2016 № 5 Modern approaches to the development of medical and technological assignment and effective design of healthcare institutions
Annotation. In the present paper a study of healthcare facilities design models is presented. It is shown how the functional and spatial diagramming, diagramming of flows and modelling/design of healthcare facilities (BIM) allow us to determine (as early as at the stage of medical and technological assignment) the possibility of application of modern medical technologies and equipment, arrangement of process flows, cost of the project and operating costs, construction period time, as well as to ensure the development of high-quality design and detailed documentation.