All articles by Gridasov G. N.
2015 № 1 Characteristics of financing the joint practice: Case study of Samara region
There was conducted an analysis of general practioner's average wages level, working in an outpatientambulatory unit in Samara region in the first quarter of 2013 and 2014 years in order to compare them with per capita financing normative and shares of external services. It was demonstrated that outpatient-ambulatory practitioner's wage does not depend on the per capita normative while optimizing the level of external services. There has been emphasized the importance of advancing efficient contract as a main tool for stimulating enhancement of labour quality and increasing its renumeration level in the health care system.
2013 № 5 Regarding methodology approaches in forming clinical-statistic groups when heart attack occurs (State Health Care Entity of Samara regional clinical cardiologic dispensary, Samara, Russia)
Annotation. This article presents a reasoning of clinical and technological criteria in forming clinic-statistic groups for treating acute coronary syndrome (heart attack). There is given a detailed explanation of a technical approach towards organizing treatment of this disease, as well as presented results of realized program on health care modernization in the department of implementing medical aid standards in treating heart attacks in Samara region.