Articles with tag: «congenital heart disease»
2015 № 9 Organizational planning the third phase of the rehabilitation of children with congenital heart disease of different age groups
Annotation. Analysis of surgery for children and adolescents with congenital heart disease (CHD) in Bakulev Scientific center of cardiovascular surgery in 2013 allowed to justify the quantitative need for the 3rd phase of the rehabilitation of patients with this pathology. Achieved grouping of patients after surgical treatment of CHD for the third phase of rehabilitation depending on the diagnosis, the type and the deggree of disorders of the cardiovascular system.
2015 № 1 Prospects of applying public-private partnerships mechanisms to improve rehabilitation care for patients with congenital heart disease
The analysis of the application possibilities of public-private partnership in the creation of infrastructural base for medical rehabilitation of patients after surgical treatment of congenital heart defects. Described the main normative legal acts regulating the medical rehabilitation and public-private partnership in Russia. Offered some new ways of solving problems of public-private partnership in the system of national health care. The essence of the proposed solutions is the ability to attract pension funds as investors for infrastructure development of new rehabilitation centers for children with congenital heart disease. The author's opinion is not unconditional. In this paper an attempt is made one more look at the possibility of using public-private partnerships in health care.