Articles with tag: «public health»

    Public health
  • 2021 № 8 Concerning the process of forming motivation to a healthy lifestyle

    The components of the concept of a healthy lifestyle, starting with the provisions presented in early sources, are considered from the standpoint of management. It was found that it is difficult to achieve the increase of the number of citizens leading a healthy lifestyle in the absence of clear criteria for the healthy lifestyle, since there is an objective difficulty in assessing the lifestyle of people. It is definitely necessary to formulate the basic principles for creating lists of criteria for healthy lifestyle in order to effectively motivate citizens for health-preserving behavior.
    The need was identified to update and expand a number of modern lists that are used to obtain information that serves as the basis for making managerial decisions in the field of public health protection at the strategic level based on the analysis of the main existing lists of criteria for a healthy lifestyle. It is proposed to create an individual list of criteria for a healthy lifestyle by forming a low-variability part using the traditional approach, and a high-variability part using the personalized approach.
    The formulated principles of compiling lists of criteria for a healthy lifestyle can be used in the system of motivating and stimulating citizens to health-preserving behavior, aimed at reducing the prevalence of known behavioral risk factors for diseases.

    Authors: Vigdorchik Y. I. [1]

    Tags: health protection4 healthy lifestyle5 motivation2 motivation process1 prevention24 public health9

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  • Population and health
  • 2020 № 10 The modern problem of infant mortality in the Russian Federation, an integrated approach to reduction on the example of the Republic of Ingushetia

    Infant mortality is an important indicator of the social well-being of society and reflects the state of the national health system as a whole.
    According to official statistics, the infant mortality rate in the Russian Federation has reached a significant decrease in recent years, but in comparison with the leading countries of the world it still remains high.
    The study found that in the Russian Federation infant mortality has a territorial differentiation, which indicates different policies of the executive authorities of the regions in the direction related to the reduction of infant mortality.
    The review article contains data on the dynamics of infant mortality in the Republic of Ingushetia and other republics of the North Caucasus Federal District. A significant decrease in the infant mortality rate in the Republic of Ingushetia is shown as a result of the effective interaction of state authorities at all levels. The need for an integrated approach in the system of management decisions for the development of the perinatal service in the regions of the Russian Federation has been proved.

    Authors: Ugurchieva H. U. [1]

    Tags: infant mortality3 medical-demographic indicators1 public health9

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  • 2023 № 11 Impact of the recreation and sports environment of the city on health of its residents.

    Recreation and sports environment is an essential part of the urban space, which is the most important factor in improving and maintaining health of the citizens, contributing to better mental health, cognitive functions, lower overall mortality, higher life expectancy, lower morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular diseases, prevalence of obesity and type 2 diabetes, better pregnancy and birth outcomes.
    Recreation and sports environment of the urban space includes the city’s greenery, recreational areas, areas for physical activities and sports, and waterfront areas. This study uses a correlation analysis to analyze impact of the recreation and sports environment of cities on health of the population of working and post-working ages. The study was conducted in 2019 on the example of large and huge urban cities of the Moscow region populated with more than 125,000 people. Based on the correlation analysis results, the authors have demonstrated the impact of the overall set of all sports facilities, sports structures, flat sports structures, swimming pools, sports halls, and public green spaces in cities on health of the post-working age. The study has also shown the impact of swimming pools, the overall set of
    all types of sports facilities, sports structures, flat sports structures, sports halls, and public green spaces in cities on health of the workingage population. The development and constant support of the city’s fitness and sports environment in a functional state is an important task of city administrations, the result of which is able to increase the physical activity of citizens and lead to a decrease in the morbidity of the urban population.

    Authors: Gorenkov R. V. [5] Rotov V. M. [2] Vasilieva T. P. [1]

    Tags: green spaces1 public health9 sports facilities1 urban environment2

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  • Management in healthcare
  • 2021 № 1 Environment and Public Health: Actual Issues of Health Care Organization and Medical Education

    The priorities of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation, established by Decree of
    the President of the Russian Federation № 642 of 01.12.2016, provide for the improvement of health-saving technologies, which in this article have been considered from the standpoint of their focusing on reducing health risks caused by the adverse impact of environmental factors, including by increasing the functional and adaptive reserves of the body.
    The article analyzes in order to improve regulatory legal documents in the field of improving the prevention of chronic
    non-communicable diseases, the formation of a healthy lifestyle and hygienic education of the population. Also, a critical
    analysis of the state of educational activities provided at the state level in the field of higher professional education and
    postgraduate training of medical workers in the direction (specialties): medical and preventive care, medical care, public
    health and healthcare.
    Concluded that to ensure scientific and technological development of the country's need to expand educational and
    enlightening activities on issues of ensuring sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, hygiene, public
    health and organization of health care in health care organizations, and also outside in all major sectors of economy
    and business, in the sphere of organized tourism and recreation, SPA, fitness centers, educational organizations, sports,
    social welfare and life of the population, especially in terms of prevention, that in accordance with Federal Law № 323 of
    21.11.2011 "On the basics of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation" provides for measures to eliminate the harmful influence of environmental factors. Proposals and additions to the relevant state regulatory documents of the Russian Federation that have already been approved and are currently under development are given.

    Authors: Prilipko N. S. [4] Turbinsky V. V. [2] Bobrovnitsky I. P. [2] Yakovlev M. Yu. [1]

    Tags: chronic non-communicable diseases4 healthy lifestyle5 public health9

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  • 2019 № 2 Organizational and methodological basis of the preliminary analysis of the work of outpatient clinics at the stage of the beginning the project «Lean polyclinic

    In order to start optimization and structural transformations, the external (questionnaires of patients, n = 200) and internal audit (time-related studies, n=186) of the outpatient clinic participating in the implementation of the priority project «Creating a new model of primary health care». For this purpose, 5 interrelated processes are identified in which the patient participates in the receipt of primary health care: 1 process – «Record for outpatient admission»; 2 process – «Registration»; 2 process – «Waiting for reception »; 4 process – «Medical care of the patient». 5 process – «Analysis of the nearest and remote end points». It is shown that there is a need in the outpatient clinic for information and technical improvement of the polyclinic’s Internet portal; need to improve sanitation in public places; optimizing the activity of outpatient doctors to reduce waiting times in the queue (optimizing the workplace, analyzing the workload of medical personnel, reducing the time spent on medical documentation, personalized approach to patients). Overall, 82,4% of patients were satisfied with the work of the polyclinic, assessing it as «good» (76,5%) or «excellent» (5,9%). In the future, it is planned to monitor morbidity, disability and mortality indicators as a criterion for the effectiveness of the project.

    Authors: Komanenko A. A. [1] Avdeeva M. V. [1] Filatov V. N. [1] T. Yu. Garifullin [1]

    Tags: healthcare efficiency1 primary health care23 public health9 «lean clinic»1

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  • 2019 № 8 Public Health Management in the Context of the Implementation of Preventive Health Programs

    In civil society, the features of which are manifested in the country, state bodies and society are increasingly paying attention to the problems of formation, preservation and promotion of health of healthy people of different age groups. The purpose of the study is to determine the role of the nurse of General practice (family medicine), hereinafter – OPSM, in the public administration of the formation of public health of residents of family-territorial areas receiving medical services in OPSM institutions. The objectives of this study is to study the role of nurses OPSM as partners of family doctors to provide medical care to patients on the basis of etiotropic, pathogenetic and sanogenetic therapy of various diseases; implementation of medical care of patients and healthy people of different age groups, in relation to biological, psychological, social and emotional spheres of man; prevent the impact of inadequate behavior of patients or healthy people not only on their health, but also the health of the territorial community.

    Authors: Sazhin V. L. [1]

    Tags: health care24 medical services5 population5 program2 public health9

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  • Management in health care
  • 2016 № 4 Public Health and Formation of the Uniform Preventive Space

    Annotation. The task of unifying the efforts of all participants of the preventive process, the whole society in order to create a preventive space became urgent In the last decade. The development of the public health system is suggested as such а unite. A great number of discussions on public health at various levels allowed us to formulate the definition and the core functions of public health. It is crucial to realise the public health system both as a totality of different structures and as their purposeful and coordinated activity. Of particular importance is the municipal level as a place of direct contact of the population, bodies of local self-government, the realization of the actions directed on preservation and strengthening of health of the population, with the active participation of citizens themselves.

    Authors: Senenko A. S. [4] Leonov S. A. [14] Starodubov V. I. [40] Evdakov V. A. [6] Son I. A. [1] Korotkova A. V. [3] Сheshkovsky M. S. [1] Bondarenko A. A. [1]

    Tags: a single preventive space1 function of public health1 health promotion2 interagency cooperation2 local authorities1 public health9 the formation of a healthy lifestyle1

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  • Foreign experience
  • 2020 № 9 Forecasting of labor resources in the system of primary health care in Kazakhstan

    Primary health care is a highly effective and efficient way to tackle the root causes and risks of poor health
    status, and to address emerging problems that threaten future health and well-being.
    Goal: Develop a model for predicting the need for general practitioners (GPs) until 2030, taking into account various
    input data in the equations describing the movement of labor resources in the form of “flows” and “ stocks “ using the
    method of system dynamics.
    Methods: The model was built using the Any Logic program, based on information about the availability of primary
    health care doctors, demographic data and the general prevalence of diseases in the population. Three scenarios were
    considered to predict the need for general practitioners. The base year was 2018, the forecast was carried out until 2030.
    Results: All of three scenarios indicate that with the current number of graduated GPs, the shortage of primary care
    physicians will be exacerbated. In general, the shortage can reach more than two thousand.
    Conclusion: Government and medical universities need to take measures to correct the number of students in the specialty of “General Practitioner” in order to avoid a growing shortage of primary care physicians in the future until 2030.

    Authors: Son I. M. [41] Omarkulov B. K. [2] Kharin A. D. [1] Koichubekov B. K. [1]

    Tags: health care workforce2 human resources forecasting1 public health9 system dynamics1

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  • 2020 № 6  International experience in implementing programs of enrichment of vita- mins and minerals with diets for various social groups of the population

    The issues of the implementation of national programs for the enrichment of vitamins and minerals with diets of various social groups of the population and food products are considered, performance indicators of these technologies are reflected from the standpoint of public health.

    Authors: Mingazova E. N. [34] Vlasov Y.  V. [1] Gureev S.  A. [8]

    Tags: food fortification1 fortification1 micronutrients1 minerals1 public health9 social groups1 technologies1 vitamins1

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