Articles with tag: «environmentally caused diseases»
2021 № 1 Environment and Public Health: Actual Issues of Health Care Organization and Medical Education
The priorities of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation, established by Decree of
the President of the Russian Federation № 642 of 01.12.2016, provide for the improvement of health-saving technologies, which in this article have been considered from the standpoint of their focusing on reducing health risks caused by the adverse impact of environmental factors, including by increasing the functional and adaptive reserves of the body.
The article analyzes in order to improve regulatory legal documents in the field of improving the prevention of chronic
non-communicable diseases, the formation of a healthy lifestyle and hygienic education of the population. Also, a critical
analysis of the state of educational activities provided at the state level in the field of higher professional education and
postgraduate training of medical workers in the direction (specialties): medical and preventive care, medical care, public
health and healthcare.
Concluded that to ensure scientific and technological development of the country's need to expand educational and
enlightening activities on issues of ensuring sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, hygiene, public
health and organization of health care in health care organizations, and also outside in all major sectors of economy
and business, in the sphere of organized tourism and recreation, SPA, fitness centers, educational organizations, sports,
social welfare and life of the population, especially in terms of prevention, that in accordance with Federal Law № 323 of
21.11.2011 "On the basics of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation" provides for measures to eliminate the harmful influence of environmental factors. Proposals and additions to the relevant state regulatory documents of the Russian Federation that have already been approved and are currently under development are given.