Articles with tag: «health protection»

    Public health
  • 2021 № 8 Concerning the process of forming motivation to a healthy lifestyle

    The components of the concept of a healthy lifestyle, starting with the provisions presented in early sources, are considered from the standpoint of management. It was found that it is difficult to achieve the increase of the number of citizens leading a healthy lifestyle in the absence of clear criteria for the healthy lifestyle, since there is an objective difficulty in assessing the lifestyle of people. It is definitely necessary to formulate the basic principles for creating lists of criteria for healthy lifestyle in order to effectively motivate citizens for health-preserving behavior.
    The need was identified to update and expand a number of modern lists that are used to obtain information that serves as the basis for making managerial decisions in the field of public health protection at the strategic level based on the analysis of the main existing lists of criteria for a healthy lifestyle. It is proposed to create an individual list of criteria for a healthy lifestyle by forming a low-variability part using the traditional approach, and a high-variability part using the personalized approach.
    The formulated principles of compiling lists of criteria for a healthy lifestyle can be used in the system of motivating and stimulating citizens to health-preserving behavior, aimed at reducing the prevalence of known behavioral risk factors for diseases.

    Authors: Vigdorchik Y. I. [1]

    Tags: health protection4 healthy lifestyle5 motivation2 motivation process1 prevention23 public health9

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  • 2023 № 1 Medical and demographic indicators of the population older than working age in the conditions of pension reform in the Russian Federation

    Purpose of the study. Based on the study of medical and demographic indicators and analysis of the incidence of the population, develop recommendations for the health protection of the population older than working age in the context of the transition to pension reform.
    Materials and methods: sociological, statistical, direct observation. The materials of the Federal State Statistics Service and statistical materials of the TsNIIOIZ of the Ministry of Health of Russia for 2012–2021 were used.
    Results. The mortality rate of the population older than working age in the Russian Federation (2020) amounted to 4408,1‰oo, the total population – 1460,2‰oo, in the federal districts of the Russian Federation the indicators fluctuated 1,2 times: from 3818,7‰oo in the North- Caucasian Federal District to 4638,6‰oo in the Volga Federal District, in the subjects of the Russian Federation the difference is 3 times. The indicator of primary morbidity of the studied contingent in the Russian Federation (2020) was 57041,4‰oo, in the Federal District the difference in indicators is 1,25 times, in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation – 3,9 times. The incidence of COVID‑19 in 2020 was 4373,9‰oo, in the Federal District the difference in indicators is 2,2 times, in the subjects of the Russian Federation it is large – 10,6 times, which allows us to conclude that the coding of COVID‑19 is ambiguous. Comparative analysis of the primary incidence of the study population by disease classes in 2019 and 2020 showed an increase in the indicator by 8,9% due to respiratory diseases by 40,8%, the incidence of COVID‑19 in 2020 was 4357,6‰oo. In all other classes, the indicators decreased as a result of a decrease in dispensary and preventive work. During the period of analysis in people older than working age, the increase in the primary morbidity rate is higher – 8,9% than in the total population – 5,7%, which indicates the need to strengthen dispensary and preventive work with the older population. The article gives recommendations on the health protection of the population older than working age.

    Authors: Kalininskaya A. A. [15] Lazarev A. V. [6] Kizeev M. V. [6] Vasiliev M. D. [3]

    Tags: age groups1 constituent entities of the russian federation (rf)1 federal districts (fd)1 health protection4 medical and demographic situation4 mortality21 population older than working age1 primary morbidity5 ranking1

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  • Management in healthcare
  • 2023 № 2 Analysis of the incidence of the population older than working age in the Russian Federation and its regional features.

    Objective assessment of the health status and medical care of the elderly in the context of progressive aging of the population is one of the leading health problems.
    Purpose of the study. Based on the analysis of the medical and demographic situation and the incidence of the population, as well as the results of our own research, to give recommendations on the health protection of the population older than working age.
    Research methods: statistical, sociological, expert assessments, direct observation. The forms of federal and sectoral statistical observation for 2018–2021 were analyzed. Results of sociological surveys of patients older than working age.
    Results. Over the 10 years of analysis (2012–2021), the overall incidence rate of the entire population in Russia increased by 4,5%, the adult population – by 8,2% and the working-age population – by 1.3%, in children and adolescents the indicators decreased by 8,8 and 4,7%. The overall incidence of the population older than working age in 2021 in the Russian Federation was 209164‰00, which is 1.2 times higher than the total population (167714‰00). The difference in the general morbidity rates of the population older than working age in the federal districts of the Russian Federation was 1.3 times, in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation 2.3 times. 2020, there is a significant decline in the overall incidence rate in all age groups, which is associated with the COVID‑19 pandemic. The first detected incidence of the population older than working age (in 2021) amounted to 66183,5 per 100 thousand of the corresponding population, which is lower than the total population by 22,6% (85531,6‰00). The population older than working age has significantly higher rates of newly diagnosed morbidity than the entire population in the classes: diseases of the circulatory system by 103%, the indicators were 6191,7‰00, 3048,3‰00, respectively; neoplasms (by 66%), musculoskeletal and connective tissue (by 16%) and diseases of the endocrine system, eating disorders and metabolic disorders (by 15,6%). The results of the study should be taken into account for planning the volume
    of preventive and dispensary work for people of older age groups. The article gives recommendations on the health protection of the population of pre-retirement and older working age using hospital-replacing technologies.

    Authors: Kalininskaya A. A. [15] Lazarev A. V. [6] Kizeev M. V. [6] Vasiliev M. D. [3] Smirnov A. A. [1]

    Tags: day hospital (ds)3 general morbidity4 health protection4 people older than working age2 primary morbidity5 regional peculiarities1 round-the clock stay hospital (skp)1

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  • Law
  • 2020 № 7 On the issue of legal protection of adolescent girls ‘ reproduc tive health

    The article presents an overview of modern approaches to legal protection of reproductive health of adolescent girls
    in the Russian Federation. The system aspects of health protection of girls and adolescent girls, as well as prevention of violations
    of reproductive health formation, are taken into account. The research was based on Federal laws, regulatory and legislative acts
    of individual subjects of the Russian Federation, and relevant scientific publications. The legal priority in ensuring the reproductive
    health of girls and adolescent girls is determined by the availability and quality of specific medical care, as well as relevant sections of the main legal documents.

    Authors: Mingazova E. N. [34] Zhelezova P. V. [5] Samojlova A. V. [1] Zagorujchenko A. A. [1] Shigabutdinova T. N. [2]

    Tags: adolescent girls1 eproductive health1 health4 health protection4 legal regulation1 legislation4 prevention23 regulatory framework1

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