Articles with tag: «motivation»
2021 № 8 Concerning the process of forming motivation to a healthy lifestyle
The components of the concept of a healthy lifestyle, starting with the provisions presented in early sources, are considered from the standpoint of management. It was found that it is difficult to achieve the increase of the number of citizens leading a healthy lifestyle in the absence of clear criteria for the healthy lifestyle, since there is an objective difficulty in assessing the lifestyle of people. It is definitely necessary to formulate the basic principles for creating lists of criteria for healthy lifestyle in order to effectively motivate citizens for health-preserving behavior.
The need was identified to update and expand a number of modern lists that are used to obtain information that serves as the basis for making managerial decisions in the field of public health protection at the strategic level based on the analysis of the main existing lists of criteria for a healthy lifestyle. It is proposed to create an individual list of criteria for a healthy lifestyle by forming a low-variability part using the traditional approach, and a high-variability part using the personalized approach.
The formulated principles of compiling lists of criteria for a healthy lifestyle can be used in the system of motivating and stimulating citizens to health-preserving behavior, aimed at reducing the prevalence of known behavioral risk factors for diseases. -
2020 № 5 Analysis of the study of the opinions and satisfaction of medic al personnel with features in the organization of the work of a network of d ental clinics, united in a research and production network
The article presents the results of a sociological survey according to a specially developed questionnaire, which made it possible to elicit the opinion of medical personnel (dentists and managers) in certain areas of improving the organization of medical care, affecting the level of service in branch clinics integrated into a research and production network. Based on this questionnaire, answers were received about the organization of activities and recommendations were developed to improve the organization of work of the integrated research and production network.