Articles with tag: «healthcare reform»
2023 № 12 Asessment of healthcare workers’ perceptions on the effectiveness of medical care in the profile of psychiatry in the Moscow region.
Relevance. The reorganization and modernization of the psychiatric service in Moscow (from 2010) and in Moscow region (from 2021) was carried out. The reforms were carried out in accordance with WHO regulations and consisted in reducing the medical care provided in a hospital setting and expanding the outpatient link.
Aim. Asessing the perceptions of employees on the effectiveness of providing assistance in the profile of “psychiatry” in the Moscow region after its restructuring.
Methods. An anonymous survey of employees of the psychiatric service in the Moscow region was conducted regarding the transformations carried out (N=236).
Results and discussions. The reforms have been positively assessed by the healthcare workers interviewed. According to them, the provision and equipment of clinics with modern examination methods and equipment has improved. The reorganization has led to a better quality of medical care and accessibility at the local level, the number of beds in day hospitals has increased and the conditions of patients’ stay in medical organizations improved. Existing protocols for the provision of mental health services to the public need to be regularly updated, as most respondents indicated. Also, as mentioned by interviewees, both the psychiatric care service as a whole and psychiatric care in a hospital separately needed an increase in funding. In the course of the study, respondents noted that further modernization of the psychiatric service should primarily be carried out in the following areas: unification into a single complex of a psychoneurological dispensary and a psychiatric hospital, expansion of the volume of outpatient care, development and improvement of coordination between general somatic care and help in the “psychiatry” profile, development of medical care based on general somatic hospitals.
Conclusion. The majority of respondents positively assessed the reforms carried out in the Moscow region in the field of assistance in the profile of “psychiatry”. Further modernization of the psychiatric service should include the development and improvement of coordination between general somatic care and assistance in the “psychiatry” profile, the expansion of the volume of outpatient care, the best use of resources based on the needs of the population. -
2021 № 8 Theoretical approaches to the effective interaction of the state and private medical institutions in the format of public-private partnerships
Expanding the sphere of interaction between the state and the medical business is one of the priorities for the development of the medical services market in the Russian Federation. The healthcare reform, based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, digital healthcare, and high medical technologies, is primarily aimed at improving the quality of medical services and the availability of highly qualified medical care for all segments of the population. Accessibility, quality and timeliness of medical care are the main postulates of the daily activities of a private medical institution. during the period of increasing crisis phenomena in the economy and social sphere, private medicine can provide significant assistance to the state health service, become the “lifesaver” for the domestic health protection system, which today is mostly represented by the public sector. One of the most effective mechanisms of interaction between the state and private business, adopted all over the world, is the system of public-private partnership.
The purpose of the study is to analyze possible forms and mechanisms of interaction between the medical business and the state within the framework of public-private partnership.
M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . The assessment of the current regulatory framework was carried out, a significant volume of domestic and foreign literary publications was analyzed, the main theoretical hypothesis was formulated on the basis of the systematic scientific method and a research plan was built.
R e s u l t s . In the course of the conducted research, objective main cause-and-effect factors affecting the development of an adequate system of public-private partnership in the field of medicine and healthcare have been identified and analyzed, in terms of the distribution of benefits, costs and risks carried out on the principles of long-term, voluntary, manageability, legal validity between a private medical organization and federal and/or municipal executive authorities. The main causal factors include insufficient funding, an unfavorable demographic situation, low efficiency of using the resource base, a reduction in the bed fund under the guise of “optimization”, a decrease in the social level of the population and the redistribution of the medical and diagnostic structure due to the COVID‑19 infection pandemic.
It should be recognized that the state system of medical care is not always able to fully meet the needs of societies for high-quality qualified medical care. The analysis of foreign literature has shown that medical services abroad successfully use the principle of public-private partnership, redistributing efforts to form the necessary institutional environment in healthcare between private business and the state. Such a form of interaction as concession, leasing, franchise, outsourcing, aufstaffing allows us to optimally balance the interests of the medical business and public health, significantly optimize the budget costs for health protection, especially in a difficult epidemiological period.
The result of the research was the development of a conceptual and theoretical model of various forms of interaction between private medical business and government agencies within the framework of public-private partnership programs.
C o n c l u s i o n s . Thus, public-private partnership is an effective economic tool that ensures the coincidence of the interests of private medical business and the state, allowing to make a profit for both subjects of medical activity, with a reduction in state budget expenditures for healthcare purposes, but with the preservation of high quality medical services and resource provision.