Articles with tag: «regional benefit»
2023 № 2 Subsidized Pharmaceutical Provision for patients in the Federal Districts and subjects of the Russian Federation using the example of the most common diseases.
In the Russian Federation, the obligations of federal and regional authorities for Subsidized Pharmaceutical Provisionfor patients are legally defined, the issues of providing patients with drugs for the treatment of a particular nosology are analyzed with varying degree of detail, however, a comprehensive assessment of Subsidized Pharmaceutical Provision for patients with the most common diseases in the Federal Districts and federal subjects was not carried out. This was the aim of this study. We analyzed the purchase of medicines for the treatment of patients with cancer, broncho-obstructive diseases (bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and diabetes in the Federal Districts and federal subjects of Russia though regional and federal budgeting and recalculated the total spendings per 1 patient living in the Federal District or federal subject.
We found that both the federal districts and the constituent entities differed in the budget spendings for purchase of medicines for the treatment of the analyzed nosologies. In addition, we found inconsistency in the sum of funds spent on the subsidized Pharmaceutical Provision from year to year.
The availability of medicines at the outpatient stage of treatment of cancer, broncho-obstructive diseases and diabetes mellitus differs greatly between the different Federal Districts and on the federal subject level. This creates unequal access to drug treatment for patients at the outpatient stage of treatment. Health authorities do not use a unified methodology for planning the demand of medicines at the outpatient stage of treatment, nor a unified strategy for Subsidized Pharmaceutical Provision xecution.