Articles with tag: «endocrinological care»
2023 № 5 Problems of providing endocrinological care to the elderly in the Russian Federation.
The main goal of the modern organization of medical care to the population with diseases of the endocrine system is to improve the quality, efficiency and accessibility of medical care to persons suffering from diseases of the endocrine system. For many years now, the problem of the dynamics of the prevalence of diseases of the endocrine system reflects frightening figures. At the same time, the group of the most common diseases is still diabetes mellitus (DM), obesity and thyroid diseases. Diseases of the endocrine system significantly reduce the quality of life of the elderly. The health status of elderly people is most often characterized by the comorbidity of chronic diseases, which
in turn leads to a deterioration in the prognosis regarding life and health, and also makes necessary forced polyprogmasia. Identification of the problems of providing endocrinological care to the elderly will improve the quality and effectiveness of medical care at all stages of its provision.
The purpose of the study: to analyze the organization of medical care in the development of endocrine diseases in the elderly population of the Russian Federation.
Materials and methods. A content analysis of regulatory and legal documents on the provision of medical care to elderly patients in the field of Endocrinology in the Russian Federation, an analysis of Rosstat data on the main health indicators of the elderly population of the Russian Federation over the past 10 years was carried out.