All articles by Romanovskaya O. V.
2014 № 11 Legal fundamentals surrounding medical aid provision to citizens, suffering from diseases, representing danger to wider public (Penza State University, Penza, Russia)
There were studied special aspects of the medical aid provision to people, suffering from socially important diseases and diseases representing threat to the wider public. There was generated a definition of infectious diseases and were presented statistical data. There is determined a set of rules on providing medical aid to patients, suffering from tuberculosis and HIV-infection. The article points out to the flaws in legal regulation administrating provision of medical aid without patient's per mission. Russian legislation lacks norms, regulating administrative law enforcement relative to citizens of mentioned category.
2014 № 5 Responsibilities of medical organizations (Penza State University, Penza, Russia)
Аbstract. In the article obligations of the medical organizations (article 79 of the Federal law of November 21, 2011 № 323-FZ «About bases of health protection of citizens in the Russian Federation») are analyzed. The subject of duties is defined. The maintenance of such duties as is opened: to inform law-enforcement bodies on arrival of patients concerning whom there are sufficient bases to believe that harm to their health is done as a result of illegal actions; to carry out insurance on a case of infliction of harm of life and (or) to health of the patient when rendering a medical care. In article the maintenance of obligations of the medical organizations fixed in other statutiry sources (for example, in the Federal law of November 29, 2010 № 326-FZ «About obligatory medical insurance in the Russian Federation») is considered.
2014 № 4 The concept of medical expertise in the russian law (Penza State University, Penza, Russia)
This article analyzes the concept of the medical expertise (its characteristics and legal and technical constraints), species classification, as well as the prospects for the emergence of biomedical expertise. Examines the legal framework for the implementation of control procedures for the production of medical expertise. Paid attention to the regulation of the independent expertise.
2013 № 11 Legal representatives in the health care (Penza State University, Penza, Russia)
This article analyzes the legal status of a legal representative in the various models of legal relations in the sphere of health care (with the consent to medical intervention prior to admittance to the patient). The basic challenges that may face a medical professional when determining the authority of the legal representative patient. Particular attention is paid to the guardianship authorities, as well as various organizations authorized to represent citizens under the law.
2013 № 10 Legal framework of the body, organs and tissue deceased person (Penza State University, Penza, Russia)
This paper analyzes the concept of ownership of his own body, as well as the prospects for engaging in civil circulation of (fabrics) of man. The order of the conditions and the intended use of the body, organs and tissues of a deceased person (including unclaimed body). The problems of the posthumous use of human gametes.
2013 № 4 Self-regulation in the health care sphere (Penza State University, Penza, Russia)
In the article prospects of transition of the sphere of health care on self-regulation principles are considered. The principle of a professional autonomy of the doctor is analyzed. Distinctions in the maintenance of some models of reform of public administration in the medicine sphere are carried out.