Articles with tag: «efficiency»
2019 № 1 Maximus Intellectual Information and Analytical System for Medicine and Healthcare
This article discusses the relevance, purpose, functions and capabilities of intelligent information and analytical modules of diagnostic and treatment processes management systems, on the base of the use of Maximus system in the regional network of clinics of Nefrosovet group, as well as in relation to medicine and healthcare in Russia as a whole. It justifies the importance of automating the data collection, starting from the diagnosis and treatment process to the middle and upper levels of analysis and reporting. Article presents a line of business intelligence software services and decision support systems – process control center, visual analyzer of DTP parameters and reporting system, analytical patient registry, diagnostic machine, causal patient model, diagnostic and treatment programs, etc., using the nephrology service with hemodialysis, treatment of complications and associated diseases as an example.
The architecture of presented system is service oriented and multiplatform. Article also describes the structures of Maximus BI and DSS subsystems, as well as the architecture of one of the main services – diagnostic and treatment programs. Article shows modern information technologies for managing business processes used in the system, as well as selected user interfaces and solutions. -
2020 № S5 Transformation of the role of healthcare information system. The growth of the role of HIS from automating the activities of an individual clinic to managing a large medical and prophylactic association
The article summarizes many years of experience in implementing medical information systems (MIS) in medical organizations. The article analyzes the transformation of the medical community’s ideas about the process of implementing MIS and its effectiveness for the period from 1994 to 2020. The features of the introduction of MIS in large medical and preventive associations are considered. There is a need to reorganize the business processes of a medical organization, including clinical processes.
2017 № 4 The various ways to decrease a cost of the healthcare organization informatization or How to get more of the healthcare informatization for Your money
The article gives an overview of possible ways to decrease a cost of the healthcare organization informa- tization or how to get more of the healthcare informatization for Your money. This article is of interest to health care institution chiefs responsible for IT and information service providers.
2016 № 5 Ranking definition method of health insurance companies based on hierarchical classification.
The official site of Federal compulsory medical insurance fund presents 21 activity indicators for the 59 health insurance organizations (HIOs) for 2015. Each indicator represents an activity efficiency criteria of HIO in the certain area as following: its larger or smaller value defines whether the company activity is successful or not. The HIO rating is defined per each of these criteria. Undoubtedly, HIO ranking definition problem on set of all the considered criteria is becoming particularly urgent. The purpose of this work is to apply the metrical approach for HIO activity efficiency assessment, based on the hierarchical classification method that assumes the distance calculation among HIOs as among the points of multidimensional space in the coordinate system corresponding to the criteria of their efficiency. The concept of reference organization that accumulates the best value of all of the HIO criteria is introduced in this paper. The ratings of insurance companies are established in accordance with the distance to the reference organization by the principle – the smaller the distance, the more efficient the company is and the higher its rating is (the place in the HIO list). The method is implemented in the environment of the STATISTICA statistical package. HIO ratings, defined by the proposed method can be used to identify promising and unpromising HIOs in order to plan their upcoming development or structural changes, they can also act as the specific navigator when choosing the health insurance company