Articles with tag: «knowledge base»
2019 № 1 Maximus Intellectual Information and Analytical System for Medicine and Healthcare
This article discusses the relevance, purpose, functions and capabilities of intelligent information and analytical modules of diagnostic and treatment processes management systems, on the base of the use of Maximus system in the regional network of clinics of Nefrosovet group, as well as in relation to medicine and healthcare in Russia as a whole. It justifies the importance of automating the data collection, starting from the diagnosis and treatment process to the middle and upper levels of analysis and reporting. Article presents a line of business intelligence software services and decision support systems – process control center, visual analyzer of DTP parameters and reporting system, analytical patient registry, diagnostic machine, causal patient model, diagnostic and treatment programs, etc., using the nephrology service with hemodialysis, treatment of complications and associated diseases as an example.
The architecture of presented system is service oriented and multiplatform. Article also describes the structures of Maximus BI and DSS subsystems, as well as the architecture of one of the main services – diagnostic and treatment programs. Article shows modern information technologies for managing business processes used in the system, as well as selected user interfaces and solutions. -
2016 № 1 A cloud environment for support of clinical medicine and education.
A concept of cloud environment for development and use of the community of medical intelligent systems is proposed. It allows to concentrate information and software resources of various types for such systems in a single virtual space and to provide access with no regard to users’ geographic location.
2020 № 1 Decision support services for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and their practical application on the example of ckd 5d
The article clarifies the concept of DSS, shows the trend of development of new services in medicine. The article
describes the developed DSS‑service for issuing recommendations for the treatment and diagnostic process on the example of
complications in patients on permanent hemodialysis, in particular, correction of anemia. The information and logical architecture
of the service, the rating and trigger models used, the underlying knowledge base, and their relationship are described.
Based on the theory of decision-making, the principle of making recommendations is shown. Examples of integration of the
service with various information systems and other data sources are given. The analysis of the results of the implementation
of the DSS service for the correction of anemia in patients with CKD5D in the Nephrology and hemodialysis departments of
the medical clinical company Nefrosovet in integration with the information and analytical system for managing treatment and
diagnostic processes Maximus. -
2019 № 3 Сloud decision support service for diagnosis in gastroenterology
The decision support service for diagnosis in gastroenterology was developed on a medical portal of the IACPaaS cloud platform. The general principles of development and the concept architecture of intelligent service, developed information and software components are described. The possibilities of diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases on the medical portal are presented.