Articles with tag: «data mining»
2016 № 1 Data mining using case technology.
The article explained that you can use efficiency of information technologies in everyday life practical doctor. There are real situations where the decision may be time consuming. In these cases, always come to the aid of computer technology, automated data processing. The article describes the decision-making model, which allows to implement the specific situation, An algorithm for solving the problem are the main operators and application software Rapid Miner. An example case study methodology used in practical classes in medical Informatics.
2015 № 1 The application of BI systems in the data analysis of medical registers.
The article discusses the implementation of information and analysis module for the register of Novosibirsk diabetes using BI-technologies, presentation the results of approbation.
2019 № 1 Maximus Intellectual Information and Analytical System for Medicine and Healthcare
This article discusses the relevance, purpose, functions and capabilities of intelligent information and analytical modules of diagnostic and treatment processes management systems, on the base of the use of Maximus system in the regional network of clinics of Nefrosovet group, as well as in relation to medicine and healthcare in Russia as a whole. It justifies the importance of automating the data collection, starting from the diagnosis and treatment process to the middle and upper levels of analysis and reporting. Article presents a line of business intelligence software services and decision support systems – process control center, visual analyzer of DTP parameters and reporting system, analytical patient registry, diagnostic machine, causal patient model, diagnostic and treatment programs, etc., using the nephrology service with hemodialysis, treatment of complications and associated diseases as an example.
The architecture of presented system is service oriented and multiplatform. Article also describes the structures of Maximus BI and DSS subsystems, as well as the architecture of one of the main services – diagnostic and treatment programs. Article shows modern information technologies for managing business processes used in the system, as well as selected user interfaces and solutions. -
2016 № 2 The research of modern portable medical devices
Portable medical devices are one of the most relevant and fast-moving directions of the modern medicine. These devices can be applied to solve different clinical problems. In this research, we analyzed the sources where the development portable medical devices is described. Portable medical devices were classified.
2018 № itm Means of intellectual data analysis and support of decision-making in diagnostics and treatment of drug-dependent
Early detection of the drug used by the patient is essential In the diagnosis and treatment of drug addicts. There are specific symptoms of drug use, according to which it is determined that the patient used before the laboratory tests. The use of methods of data mining allows you to identify the characteristic signs of using several drugs and establish previously unexplored symptoms for new drugs, identify typical and atypical patients. In the work, the patterns between the narcotic drugs used and the symptoms are mathematically described using associative rules. Algorithms Apriori, Close and the MClose algorithm proposed by the authors are used to find these rules. The MClose algorithm finds the most significant strict associative rules (rules with reliability 1). The article presents a proposal on expert pre-pro- cessing of melon, which allows to significantly reduce the number of generated associative rules and improve the quality of their interpretation. The developed methods and means is aimed at diagnosing and supporting decision-making in the treatment of drug addicts.