Articles with tag: «e-health»
2017 № 2 Reference data for creating e-Health in Russia: problem overview.
The article is about the importance of reference data (RD) at the e-health foundation, about the aims and structure of newly created Russian Ministry of Health (MOH) RD Control Center. The modules, services of the RD Support System have been described and key terms have been defined. Based on the experience authors formulate the development stages of references, and the unified reference structure (certificate) is introduced that defines common approaches for the reference development and support.
The article section is dedicated to the tasks of the Object Identifier (OID) Control Center of Russian MOH objects. Principles of the OID Tree architecture built from the MOH root unique identificator are introduced. In conclusion, the authors state the most significant problems in the implementation of the Reference data System and propose ways of their solution. -
2020 № 3 Procedure for conducting telemedicine consultations in the subjects of the Russian Federation
In the article, the authors analyze trends in the development of telemedicine in the subjects of the Russian Federation,
and also conclude that the formation of the system is carried out at different rates. Determine that one of the main stages of development is the formation of a legal framework dedicated to this area. Based on the analysis of legal acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation on the implementation of telemedicine consultations, the authors present a General algorithm for conducting telemedicine consultations, as well as reflect current problems and form proposals for their solution. -
2016 № 2 Voronina T. The formation e-health as the basis of industry document management system (the example republic of Tatarstan) (FGBOU VPO «Kazan State Power Engineering University», Kazan)
The article analyzed the experience of implementing of e-Health in the Republic of Tatarstan. Particular attention is given to features of document management systems in health care in terms of information and communication technologies.
2018 № 1 he formation of integral indicators of assessment of the level of informatization of the regional health
Describes the approach to forming integral indicators of the level of informatization of medical organizations, forming the basis of assessing the level of computerization of the regional segment of EGISZ.
Presents principles and mathematical methods of processing results for further interpretation and forming integral indi- cators obtained on the basis of questionnaires for evaluation of specific indicators of informatization of medical orga- nizations. Presents the results of practical application of the technique of an estimation of the level of informatization, KGBUZ «Medical information analytical center» of the Ministry of Health of the Khabarovsk Krai. -
2019 № 3 Medical Informatics in modern higher medical education
The article is about the problems of teaching medical Informatics in accordance with the changing requirements of
standards of higher medical education and the labor market. The changes in the teaching of medical Informatics over the past 20 years are considered. A draft work program for this discipline is proposed that takes into account current trends in healthcare informatization. -
2017 № 3 Digital public health. Necessity and background
There are a number of ongoing state programs and projects in digital health, moreover an ad hoc federal law No. 242-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Application of Informa- tion Technologies in the Sphere of Health Protection” was recently adopted. Authors consider the background for such activity of government bodies, its maintenance by market forces. The article demonstrates priority and necessity of the only conceptual core for public health digital transformation as well as the economy at the whole. Project approach benefits to the new law implementation are pointed out