Special opinion
  • 2020 № 3 Digitalization of healthcare in the Russian Federation: myth or reality?

    “Digitalization of society” is a completely new way to describe the modern state of affairs within the global trend of
    creating a digital world. “Issues, concerning digitalization are to be considered strategically important for the country” – pointed
    out in the messages of the President Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly. In November 2016 President of the Russian Federation proposed “to launch a large-scale system for the developing new kind of the economy for a new technological generation– the digital economy”. Consequentially, the “strategy of development of information society in 2017–2030” was introduced in accordance with the law. The overall aim of the healthcare digitalization is to provide the maximum number of residents with medical services, to ensure the availability of medical care in any conditions in any region. The development and implementation of digital technologies, as well as their promotion in various areas of clinical practice are important tasks as well. The article reports the results of a review of scientific publications, regulatory documents, as well as other information sources (including foreign sources). Following digital healthcare tools are considered: telemedicine technologies, mobile applications, websites and information platforms of medical organizations.

    Authors: Batsina E. A. [1] Popsuyko A. N. [1] Artamonova G. V. [1]

    Tags: digital economy3 digital medicine1 digital transformation in healthcare1 digitalization1 digitalization in healthcare1 telemedicine17

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  • Digital healthcare
  • 2017 № 3 Digital public health. Necessity and background

    There are a number of ongoing state programs and projects in digital health, moreover an ad hoc federal law No. 242-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Application of Informa- tion Technologies in the Sphere of Health Protection” was recently adopted. Authors consider the background for such activity of government bodies, its maintenance by market forces. The article demonstrates priority and necessity of the only conceptual core for public health digital transformation as well as the economy at the whole. Project approach benefits to the new law implementation are pointed out

    Authors: Karpov O. E. [4] Subbotin S. A. [2] Shishkanov D. V. [2] Zamyatin M. N. [1]

    Tags: digital economy3 e-health6 information technologies5 public health digital transformation1 unified state public health system1

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  • 2017 № 3 Reengineering of public health system, based on a person-centered model, hybrid project management approaches and methods of artificial intelligence

    The paper considers new approaches of public health emerging on the platform of the technological revolution of information systems. The authors describe the key methods of managerial, technological and mathe- matical interaction with the collective information infrastructure of the healthcare system that will bring qualitative changes in the near future and will form the basis of a digital society, digital economy and public health of a new type. The methods are considered from the point of view of their influence on the formation of new approaches in the process of the economic and social transformation of waves of innovation. The model of the person-centered health care system and the forecast of its impact on the subject area are presented, the advantages of the new model are summarized and the agile project management approaches to its implementation in the current stage of development are presented.

    Authors: Mukhin Yu. Yu. [1] Mukhin K. Yu. [1]

    Tags: agile1 agile project management approaches1 artificial intelligence10 business-agility1 digital economy3 healthcare7 innovations & innovation management1 medicine7 neural networks9 project management1

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