Articles with tag: «naming»
2022 № 9 The role of naming in healthcare. From a psychiatric hospital to a mental health center.
An urgent issue today is to increase the confidence of citizens in the healthcare system. Moreover, the issue of trust is of particular importance in the provision of psychiatric care, due to the high level of stigmatization of this area of medicine.
The purpose of the study was to assess the significance for patients of the names of medical organizations in the profile of «psychiatry».
Materials and methods. In 2021 Kirov Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital named after Academician V.M. Bekhterev changed its name and became the Center for Psychiatry and Mental Health Academician V.M. Bekhterev. A survey was conducted of 216 patients who applied or are undergoing treatment at the Center of Psychiatry and Mental Health named after Academician V.M.
Bekhterev, using a specially designed questionnaire consisting of 24 questions. The results obtained were statistically processed.
Results. A large proportion of the respondents had one or another mental disorder, and more than half are worried because of this, to one degree or another. One-fifth of the respondents indicate that their rights were violated due to their mental disorders.
All this points to the problems that exist to this day associated with the stigmatization of patients with mental disorders, as well as the stigmatization of the psychiatric service itself. 43% of respondents noted that the name of a medical organization has an impact on their trust in a medical organization. The patients surveyed gave the highest rating to the name «Mental Health Center».
Conclusions. Thus, the name of a medical organization directly affects the trust of patients in it. In addition, the name also affects the subjective assessment of the quality of medical care provided in a medical organization.