Articles with tag: «respiratory diseases»
2019 № 1 The main trends in the incidence of injuries, poisoning and some other effects of external causes in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
Injuries, poisonings and some other causes of external causes make an indisputable significant contribution to the morbidity structure of the population of the Russian Federation. Despite the decline in the share of morbidity from external causes for 2005–2016, this cause still consistently occupies the second ranking position, causing enormous economic, and knowing a high level of violent mortality, and medico-demographic damage. Despite the positive trend of reducing the incidence of external causes, a number of subjects of the Russian Federation with extremely high values, as well as negative growth dynamics, were identified. For 2005–2016, the most negative trend in the increase in incidence from external causes was found in the Moscow Region, the Kurgan Region, the Altai Territory, the Bryansk Region, the Republic of Sakha. Of particular interest to the organizers of health care should be those areas of the Russian Federation in which low incidence rates are registered, and a positive trend of decline. It is necessary to analyze the systems of organization of medical care and medical prophylaxis, and to use subjects with the lowest incidence rates from external causes as an example in order to improve measures aimed at reducing morbidity.