Management in healthcare
  • 2019 № 6 Main trends in mortality from injuries among elderly persons

    Р. 34-38
    Abstract. Despite the fact that the main economic and demographic negative contribution to the death rate from injuries is caused by cases among the able-bodied population, a huge social role is played by mortality among the elderly and senile age. For all the major causes of death from injuries, with the exception of death in road accidents and due to injuries with sharp objects, where the maximum rates are recorded for men of working age, the leading age groups are65 years or more, and peak values occur at the age of 80 years or more.The problem of high mortality among seniors is interdepartmental in nature; to solve this problem, it is necessary to involve not only health authorities, but, above all, social services. For persons of old age, an organization of an accessible environment is necessary, not only at public and private facilities, but also at the place of residence.

    Authors: Shishkin E. V. [5] Shchepin V. O. [5]

    Tags: elderly age1 injuries3 mortality21 old age.4

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  • 2018 № 6 The role of injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes of mortality in the population of the Russian Federation

    The most significant dynamics of mortality reduction among the main classes is noted from external causes, according to the Russian Federation, the indicator decreased in 2017, in comparison with 2006, twice. Injuries, poisonings and some other consequences of external causes are related to «manageable» causes of mortality and are not only an important indicator of health care, but also the state of the economy and society as a whole. Despite such a significant decline, the mortality from external causes is on indicators that are 2–5 times higher than those of economically developed and developing countries. The greatest contribution to the reduction of mortality from external causes was achieved, first of all, due to road traffic injuries, as well as through injuries, the provision of medical care in which was carried out in a three-level system of trauma centers. A significant proportion in the structure of mortality from external causes is due to acute poisoning. The example of the Chelyabinsk region shows an increase in mortality from drug poisoning, including synthetic origin. The received data testify to the need to take measures aimed at further optimization of the three-level system of trauma centers, as well as the formation of a system for providing medical care for poisoning, including the organization of acute poisoning centers

    Authors: Shishkin E. V. [5] Shchepin V. O. [5]

    Tags: accidents1 alcohol1 diseases of the circulatory system2 drug poisoning1 external causes3 injuries3 oncological diseases4 poisoning2

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  • 2022 № 9 Methodological foundations of forecasting the spread of diseases in the world (review)

    In modern conditions, the prediction of the morbidity of the population is becoming one of the most urgent tasks of public health worldwide. For state and international health services, with the help of forecasting the possible incidence and prevalence of various diseases in the general population, it becomes necessary to improve the system of providing specialized care due to the possibility of an updated calculation of the necessary resources.
    Purpose of the study is to analyze the methodological basis for predicting the morbidity of the population based on the study and generalization of literary sources.
    Materials and methods. The materials for the analysis were scientific publications on the issues of forecasting and modeling of morbidity in various subgroups of the population and territories of the Russian Federation and other countries. In the course of the research, such methods as comparative analysis, study and generalization of experience, bibliographic were used.
    Results. Currently, there are a number of studies devoted to disease prediction, and the number of methodological approaches to predicting possible changes in the epidemiological situation in various territories is growing. The study provides an overview of existing methodological approaches to predicting the morbidity of the population in Russia and in the world community.
    Findings. Thus, the analysis of the experience of predicting morbidity made it possible to determine the features of the use of certain mixed methods of forecasting different classes, groups and types of diseases, especially when identifying new viruses and infectious diseases.

    Authors: Shchepin V. O. [5] Zagoruychenko A. A. [8] Karpova O. B. [5]

    Tags: classes of diseases2 forecasting1 forecasting methods1 health care24 population morbidity1

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  • Population and healthcare
  • 2019 № 1 The main trends in the incidence of injuries, poisoning and some other effects of external causes in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

    Injuries, poisonings and some other causes of external causes make an indisputable significant contribution to the morbidity structure of the population of the Russian Federation. Despite the decline in the share of morbidity from external causes for 2005–2016, this cause still consistently occupies the second ranking position, causing enormous economic, and knowing a high level of violent mortality, and medico-demographic damage. Despite the positive trend of reducing the incidence of external causes, a number of subjects of the Russian Federation with extremely high values, as well as negative growth dynamics, were identified. For 2005–2016, the most negative trend in the increase in incidence from external causes was found in the Moscow Region, the Kurgan Region, the Altai Territory, the Bryansk Region, the Republic of Sakha. Of particular interest to the organizers of health care should be those areas of the Russian Federation in which low incidence rates are registered, and a positive trend of decline. It is necessary to analyze the systems of organization of medical care and medical prophylaxis, and to use subjects with the lowest incidence rates from external causes as an example in order to improve measures aimed at reducing morbidity.

    Authors: Shishkin E. V. [5] Shchepin V. O. [5]

    Tags: burns1 circulatory system diseases2 external causes3 incidence4 injuries3 neoplasms3 poisoning2 respiratory diseases1

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  • Public health

    The article discusses the medical and organizational aspects of conducting preventive examinations of minors as part of new state initiatives of a post-COVID‑19 orientation. The main positions of the Draft Order of the Ministry of Health of May 19, 2021, which will enter into force on September 1, 2021, have been studied, where a structural algorithm has been developed for conducting preventive examinations of minors in the context of an epidemic situation. The regulated positions presented in the document have been studied in the aspect of general medical tasks declared by the state during the modern period of development of the healthcare industry. Such directions, formed in the Project, as diagnostics of post-COVID‑19 complications from various systems of the body of minors, issues of monitoring of reproductive health and physical development are considered. The continuity is shown in the implementation of measures to level violations of the health status of minors within the framework of legislative, managerial
    and organizational initiatives.
    Purpose: analysis of modern legislative materials initiated by the State in the field of preventive examinations of minors, including during the period of the new coronavirus infection COVID‑19; characteristics of the concept of new directions of the program of preventive examinations of minors.
    Materials and methods. The analytical sources of the study were the legal framework, scientific literature data on the issues of preventive examinations of minors. Methods were used in the work: bibliographic, analytical, statistical, comparative analysis.
    Results. A comprehensive analysis showed that the algorithm for conducting preventive examinations of minors is determined by the legislative branch level and checked by the time factor, but is not a constant. Changing living conditions dictate new challenges, determine the inclusion of additional items in the survey of the contingent – laboratory and diagnostic directions, as well as change in time parameters in the examination and organizational support for preventive examinations of minors. The changes introduced undoubtedly require monitoring analysis of indicators on the problem, including comparative scientific analysis and prompt response to new tasks that are determined by time, issues of the medical and social environment.
    Findings. The main organizational directions in the structure of preventive examinations of minors are: diagnostics of post-COVID‑19 complications, monitoring of physical development and the formation of reproductive health, determination of scientifically grounded approaches to admitting the contingent to physical education, the formation of a “data bank” of the results of basic and additional research methods. A comparative analysis of the prevalence of the distribution of minors by health groups based on the results of preventive medical examinations showed the lack of dynamics of indicators in the time period 2014–2020. Undergoing preventive medical examinations, as well as targeted regional policy in this direction, purposefully forming a “healthy childhood environment”, taking into account the development of the local industrial infrastructure.

    Authors: Shchepin V. O. [5] Mingazova E. N. [33] Zagoruychenko A. A. [8] Mingazov R. N. [11] Gasajnieva M. M. [3]

    Tags: health groups2 legislative acts1 minors1 physical health1 post-covid‑19 measures1 preventive medical examinations1 reproductive health3

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