Articles with tag: «blood service»
2017 № 10 Benchmarking of blood transfusion in regions of the Russian Federation
Blood transfusion statistics in Russia has been evaluated. In 2016 about 1.2 million patients of Russian clinics received more than 3.2 million transfusions of blood and its components in a total volume of about 1 million liters. About 0.5% of Russian doctors certified in the specialty «Transfusiology». The practice of transfusion of blood components in the RF subjects is very variable. The degree of heterogeneity of the clinical transfusion has been determined: the decile coefficient of some indexes in the regions of Russia in 2016 amounted to: transfusionists provision – 5.31; the number of recipients of blood on 1 transfusionist – 4.91; the part of transfusionists among doctors – 3.70; the part of recipients of blood among the population – 3.04, the volume of blood transfusion for 1 recipient 1–2.43; the volume of 1 blood transfusion – 2.29; the number of blood transfusions for 1 patient – 1.74. It seems appropriate for further statistics of clinical transfusion evaluation: the term «transfusion» replaced by the term «unit»; to evaluate the practice of transfusion of different blood components separately
2020 № 5 Blood collection during the period of COVID‑19 infection
We evaluated the work of the Samara Regional Clinical Blood Transfusion Station, the collection and delivery
of blood components in January-April 2019 and 2020 changes in activity at the beginning of the COVID‑19 pandemic
infection. The need for blood components decreased: red blood cells – by 16,7%, platelets – by 13,0%, plasma – by 25,6%, cryoprecipitate – by 32,5%. SOKPSK provides the needs of the region’s healthcare in blood components and preparations, as well as the safety of donors and staff. For this: a) new donor recruitment methods have been introduced; b) plasma donors have been transferred to blood and platelet donors. A common pattern is the reduction in the use of medical technologies that require transfusion of blood components. According to the results of the first 4 decades of work, such a reduction in the Samara region is two time less than in other developed countries. -
2020 № 9 Donor platelets collection in a pandemic of COVID‑19 infection
The work of the Samara Regional Clinical Blood Transfusion Station, the collection and delivery of platelet concentrates in
2018, 2019 and in the first 6 months of 2020 was assessed. The annual demand for platelet concentrates in 2019 increased by 22.9%, and in the first half of 2020 the issue of platelet concentrate decreased by 12.1%, which is associated with a change in treatment work during the period of infection COVID‑19. The proportion of platelets isolated from whole blood in the first half of 2020 decreased from 24.7% (the end of 2019) to 17.4%, (p <0.001). This maneuver made it possible to accept all donors wishing to donate apheresis platelets. -
2013 № 8 Features of the national remuneration for blood donation (Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow, Russia)
Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia from 17.12.2012 № 1069n «About approval of the cases in which the possibility of putting blood and (or) its components for a fee, and the amount of such fee» requires to create the paid blood donors group based on the extended red blood cell phenotyping and to identify evidencebased clinical use of the regulated phenotypes blood. Необходимо to provide for the expenses in the budget of the blood service and to amend the technical regulation on blood safety, the instructions for use of blood components, standards of medical care, standard for the labelling of blood and exemplary staff of the organization.
2020 № 6 Blood collection during the period of COVID-19 infection
We searched Google Trends using terms in Russian and English: “coronavirus”, “blood transfusion”, “plasma transfusion”, “donate blood”. Object of study – requests submitted from February 15 to May 25, 2020 in the world, Russia and the USA. Anomalous increase in demand in the USA was revealed corresponding to the booming demand for plasma donors – convalescents of COVID-19: a) for “plasma transfusion” – March 30 – May 2, b) for “donate blood” March 17 – April 7. The studied Russian Google Trends indicators correspond to the reliable work of the blood service, which during the pandemic period solved the main task to provide hospitals with effective and safe components of donated blood. These data provide additional evidence of differences in the scientific validity of blood services in developed countries, and show that Google Trends can serve as a tool to track trends in blood donation.