Articles with tag: «need for rehabilitation»
2013 № 1 To a question of rehabilitation system model creation in the Volga Federal District (Nizhegorodskaya medical academy, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia)
Annotation: In this article the concept of rehabilitation system model creation in the Volga Federal District is stated. Results of calculation of requirement for the stationary rehabilitation help, the analysis of possibilities of the existing PFO rehabilitation institutions are given, options of real creation of system of rehabilitation in the Volga Federal District are considered. For ensuring development of rehabilitation establishments of the region expediency of formation of the centralized investment fund is defined. The optimum form of government investment fund, according to the author, is the management company. The scheme of functioning of management company is offered at creation of system of rehabilitation in PFO. Advantages of a new control system are analyzed by rehabilitation establishments. Important advantage of the Project is its representativeness.