Articles with tag: «management»
2015 № 1 Modeling of the system of information security management of medical organizations.
The article deals with modeling the system of information security management of the medical organization in accordance with the requirements of international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2005. Presents and describes the model of the system of information security management, its structure and stages of implementation in the medical organization.
2018 № 4 Optimization of information resources of scientific research activity from the positions of quality management
In the scientific review to mainstream the problem of improving the quality of administration system of scientific research results, the basic requirements to the quality of scientific information and modern approaches to the management of scientific information are considered. Total Quality Management becomes an essential mechanism for optimizing the activities of organizations, research teams, self-realization of the scientific potential of scientists and specialists in today’s conditions. The results of the review justify the importance of the contribution of scientific knowledge and developed technologies in the development of health and medical practices
2020 № 1 Decision support services for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and their practical application on the example of ckd 5d
The article clarifies the concept of DSS, shows the trend of development of new services in medicine. The article
describes the developed DSS‑service for issuing recommendations for the treatment and diagnostic process on the example of
complications in patients on permanent hemodialysis, in particular, correction of anemia. The information and logical architecture
of the service, the rating and trigger models used, the underlying knowledge base, and their relationship are described.
Based on the theory of decision-making, the principle of making recommendations is shown. Examples of integration of the
service with various information systems and other data sources are given. The analysis of the results of the implementation
of the DSS service for the correction of anemia in patients with CKD5D in the Nephrology and hemodialysis departments of
the medical clinical company Nefrosovet in integration with the information and analytical system for managing treatment and
diagnostic processes Maximus.