Information technologies for the Physician 2015 #1
Published: 2015-01-11
The prospects of the application and improvement of the personal record-keeping in the process of medical care conduction of persons involved in the health care in medical information systems.
It was carried out an analysis of the current state of the procedure of personal record-keeping in the process of medical care conduction of persons involved in the health care and its impact on the public health system. There were substantiated and formulated some proposals to improve it as well as prospects of application in medical information systems.
Separating medical and billing data in hospital information systems.
Lack of a proper infrastructure of health care providers leads to the breaks in the health care process Informatization. This results in the manifestation of different data entry point. The different data sets that are entered in these different point tend to serve the same task. However, due to the different qualification of staff a consistency of data cannot be preserved. The paper presents an approach where data is split to the different levels.
Use of Open UMS format for document flow formalization in medicine.
The question about construction of medical documents by means of AURRORA MIS with the use of the Open UMS format is considered in the work. The approach suggested allows data storage in the electronic form suitable for generation of required statistical reports and different researches and preserves a possibility of correct data interpretation.
Electronic health record: purpose and problems.
The goals and objectives of the work are discussing for creating an electronic health record (EHR). The key parameters of the system architecture of conducting EHR follow from these goals. The advantages and disadvantages of the two-level (medical organization — Federal integrator) and the three-level (with the inclusion of the regional level) architecture options are considered as well as characteristics of the organization of centralized or distributed storage of information in EHR. The key issues related with conducting IEMK: shared responsibility are analyzed, namely: sharing of responsibility, ratio of reliability and completeness, the problem of trust and problem traceability information in EHR. Principles that can help solve these problems are proposed: the principle of long-term storage, the principle of rational regulation of access, the principle of the priority of the reliability over completeness. The draft national standard «Electronic Health Record» is represented.
Predicting the risk of postoperative complications in traumatic injuries of the pancreas.
The article is devoted to the problem of surgical treatment of traumatic injuries of the pancreas. Namely, identify significant risk factors for postoperative complications based on multivariate statistical analysis by logistic regression. The authors compiled prediction model specific postoperative complications with high rates of consent and clinical significance.
The application of BI systems in the data analysis of medical registers.
The article discusses the implementation of information and analysis module for the register of Novosibirsk diabetes using BI-technologies, presentation the results of approbation.
Information and analytical module of long-term medical surveillance of the patient with coronary atherosclerosis.
We propose a model of software «Information-analytical module for long-term dispensary observation of patients with coronary atherosclerosis,» which allows one to store and retrieval of clinical and statistical information about patients with coronary atherosclerosis, consisting at a dispensary in their long-term monitoring in primary health care. Lists the prototypes created by the program, objectives and tools to help implement the project describes the features, advantages, sections and modules developed software.
Information technology in the improvement of the system of prevention of disability and medical and social rehabilitation of the disabled due to diabetes mellitus.
Modern information technologies allow to analyze the medical information, identify and rank problems. This work analyzes the computer databases of the municipal fiscal health of special type «Sectional medical information analytic Center» (MBU ZOT KMIAC): «Morbidity of type 025-2/u», «Accounting and analysis of mortality», «Disability». The result was a development and implementation of new model of prevention of disability and medical and social rehabilitation of the disabled due to diabetes among adults, showed its effectiveness in Novokuznetsk.
Modeling of the system of information security management of medical organizations.
The article deals with modeling the system of information security management of the medical organization in accordance with the requirements of international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2005. Presents and describes the model of the system of information security management, its structure and stages of implementation in the medical organization.
Scorecards in medicine: analytic review.
The mathematical models of pathological processes and conditions, and systems of assessment various indexes created on their basis — scorecards (SC) are analyzed. The basic methods used to creation of scorecards in medicine for extraction previously unknown knowledge from large data sets — from classical statistics and data mining are resulted. Some organizational — methodological problems of realization SC in healthcare are analyzed.
Actual normative document
Medical informational systems
Document flow
Medical decision support systems
Мedical statistics
It and prevention of disability
Processing of the personal data
Mathematical methods of forecasting
Review of actual normative documents.
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