Articles with tag: «structure»

    Management in health care

    I n t r o d u c t i o n . In article problems of availability of high-tech medical care for residents of separately taken region are considered.
    Communication of an increase of the rendered medical care depending on sources of financing and a regulation of a level cofinancing is analyses.
    T h e p u r p o s e o f t h e s t u d y : a background of principles of realization of the program of the state guarantees of free rendering of medical aid at availability of insufficient financing the region, based on the analysis of existing problems in the organization of maintenance of availability of high-tech medical care.
    M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . In research were used a database of a subsystem of monitoring of realization of the state task on rendering high-tech medical care of information-analytical system of Ministry of Health of Russia and regulatory legal documents.
    The statistical, analytical method and a content-analysis were applied.
    R e s u l t s a n d d i s c u s s i o n . It is revealed, that at a quadruple increase of medical institutions rendering the given type of the help in territory of region, the percent of its rendering decreases, not leaving for its limits. Since 2012, decrease in grants from the federal budget almost twice is ascertained. Thus during last four years financing from means of the budget of the Astrakhan area remains at a constant level.
    C o n c l u s i o n . For the big percent of the patients leaving for limits of region, the given type of the help in fact is not at all «free» as there is an indispensability of payment of additional inspection and travel. And absence of a precise regulation of a level cofinancing provides the way to allocate money resources from the federal budget by «a residual principle».

    Authors: Naberezhnaya I. B. [2]

    Tags: availability3 financing13 high-tech medical care11 structure2 volume4

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  • 2016 № 6 Dynamics of injuries among adult population in Russian Federation in 2010–2014

    Dynamics of injuries among adult population based on the state statistical observations for 2010–2014 is presented. The structure, rate of out-of-hospital and hospital injuries was studied. Accuracy and completeness of injury registration was evaluated. Recommendations for close interaction in injury registration between out- and in-hospital patients were suggested.

    Authors: Ogryzko E. V. [11] Polikarpov А. V. [5] Andreeva T. M. [1]

    Tags: adult population4 injury1 rates1 structure2

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