Articles with tag: «cleaning»
2020 № 3 Organization of cleaning service in a modern hospital (icdc case study)
The experience of organization of cleaning service in a modern hospital is described in the article. It should be noted that one of the trends in designing buildings of modern medical facilities is increasing square footage per one patient. This tendency comes into contradiction to regulatory documents specifying established standards of junior medical staff work that leads to high and irregular work load for hospital attendants and cleaners of a medical facility. Labor division and creation a specialized cleaning service in the structure of the medical facility permitted to set cleaning apart into an independent area of operations, implement high standards of quality in indoor space cleaning and resolve the afore-referenced contradiction. This division of labor resulted in enhancement of degree of proficiency of cleaning service personnel in ICDC, and thus permitted amelioration of work quality and productivity of labor, which ultimately led to decrease of cleaning costs and had economic effect.