All articles by Chesnokova E. A.
2020 № 10 Telemedicine in the EAEU countries: reality and prospects
This article is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of telemedicine in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union:
its legal regulation, methods of implementation and development prospects. The authors pay attention not only to a comparative legal analysis of telemedicine regulation in the EAEU countries, but also to determining the possibility of creating a general agreement on telemedicine between the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic. Identifying gaps in the national regulation of telemedicine in these countries, the authors point out the aspects in which it is necessary to harmonize the regulatory framework for telemedicine consulting, and also provide for those provisions that must be necessarily disclosed in the agreement on telemedicine within the EAEU. -
2022 № 3 Possible approaches to the implementation of technological solutions in unified electronic healthcare EAEU member states
In the article, the authors analyze the technical possibility of forming a unified supranational system of electronic interaction in the field of healthcare of the EAEU member states. The authors identify individual and common problems, propose to use a decentralized approach (blockchain), as well as Ethereum distributed registry technologies in order to develop a technical solution for the exchange of medical information by the EAEU member countries.
2020 № 9 Regional medical information systems in the field of healthcare: directions of development and legal problems
The article analyzes the development trends of regional medical information systems in the field of health care.
The authors pay special attention to the peculiarities of the development of regional medical systems, identify individual
and general problems of these systems, and finally draw conclusions about the ongoing development of the legal framework of the Russian Federation in the field of e-health, and as a solution to the identified problems, they propose to form
unified rules at the federal level containing general principles and provisions on regional medical information systems,
including the electronic health records. -
2020 № 7 Possibility of transboundary transfer of health-personal
In the article, the authors analyze the possibility of cross-border transfer of personal data related to health, separately considering
the possibility of such a transfer within the EAEU. The authors pay special attention to the analysis of the correlation of the concepts of medical confidentiality and personal data related to the state of health, the peculiarities of regulating the cross-border transfer of this information according to Russian legislation, as well as the consideration of the Unified State Information System in the field of health care created in the Russian Federation (hereinafter – the Unified State Health Insurance System, a unified system). The authors also consider the possibility of using a single system for cross-border data transfer, indicate the main risks of such use, and also determine the set of necessary additions for Russian legislation in order to use the EGISP in cross-border data transfer. Separately, the authors analyze the possibility of transferring personal data related to the state of health in the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union, which is often discussed within the EAEU digital agenda. The authors analyzed the permissibility of such transfer under the EAEU as a whole, the proposals put forward in its support, namely the adoption of a separate agreement about the delivery of health care by participating countries of the EAEU any citizens of member States of the Union, the adoption of the act on transfer of personal data about the health of the citizens of the EAEU member States and the creation of a single digital platform for the provision of such transfer (including, subject to the establishment
of safety requirements the transfer of such data and penalties for violation of these requirements), as well as the identification of
specially authorized state bodies in each of the EAEU countries in order to ensure responsibility for the transfer of this category of data. -
2020 № 1 Application of distributed registry technology and smart contracts in medicine
Аuthors consider the technology of distributed registries and, in particular, blockchain as one of the potential technical solutions that can ensure the protection of patient data. According to the authors, the technology of distributed registers should be used to collect primary data, verify the interaction of various institutions, work with electronic medical records. The use of blockchain technology can lead to the creation of a comprehensive system of «health», within which it will be possible to make the transition to personalized medicine.