All articles by Svirkin M. V.
2022 № 3 Possible approaches to the implementation of technological solutions in unified electronic healthcare EAEU member states
In the article, the authors analyze the technical possibility of forming a unified supranational system of electronic interaction in the field of healthcare of the EAEU member states. The authors identify individual and common problems, propose to use a decentralized approach (blockchain), as well as Ethereum distributed registry technologies in order to develop a technical solution for the exchange of medical information by the EAEU member countries.
2020 № 1 Application of distributed registry technology and smart contracts in medicine
Аuthors consider the technology of distributed registries and, in particular, blockchain as one of the potential technical solutions that can ensure the protection of patient data. According to the authors, the technology of distributed registers should be used to collect primary data, verify the interaction of various institutions, work with electronic medical records. The use of blockchain technology can lead to the creation of a comprehensive system of «health», within which it will be possible to make the transition to personalized medicine.